Learn 20 Idioms That Describe the Future

Exploring the future often feels like venturing into unknown territories. Idioms that describe the future can add color and depth to our conversations, offering creative ways to express predictions, expectations, and speculations about what lies ahead. This post delves into 20 vibrant idioms that help us articulate thoughts about the future.

Idioms That Describe the Future

1. Tomorrow is another day

Meaning: There’s always a chance for a new beginning.

Example: Failed your test? Tomorrow is another day.

2. On the horizon

Meaning: Something that is going to happen soon.

Example: Changes in management are on the horizon.

3. The time is ripe

Meaning: The perfect moment to act or decide.

Example: Launch the product now; the time is ripe.

4. In the pipeline

Meaning: In the process of being developed or completed.

Example: Our new app is in the pipeline.

5. A Brave New World

Meaning: A situation or area full of new possibilities.

Example: After college, it’s a brave new world.

6. The shape of things to come

Meaning: The way future events will develop.

Example: Smart homes are the shape of things to come.

7. Down the road

Meaning: At some point in the future.

Example: We might expand down the road.

8. At the eleventh hour

Meaning: At the last possible moment.

Example: He finished the project at the eleventh hour.

9. Turn the page

Meaning: To move on to a new phase of life.

Example: She turned the page after her divorce.

10. Ahead of its time

Meaning: Being too advanced or innovative for the current era.

Example: His theories were ahead of their time.

11. A quantum leap

Meaning: A significant and sudden advance.

Example: This technology is a quantum leap forward.

12. The next big thing

Meaning: Something expected to have great success.

Example: 5G technology is the next big thing.

13. Sky’s the limit

Meaning: There is no limit to what someone can achieve.

Example: In your career, the sky’s the limit.

14. On the drawing board

Meaning: Being planned or developed.

Example: Our expansion plans are on the drawing board.

15. In the not too distant future

Meaning: Happening soon.

Example: We’ll see flying cars in the not too distant future.

16. The road ahead

Meaning: The future or the challenges to come.

Example: The road ahead is full of opportunities.

17. A light at the end of the tunnel

Meaning: A sign of hope or the end of a difficult period.

Example: Recovery is visible, a light at the end of the tunnel.

18. Leap into the future

Meaning: To move forward in time or progress rapidly.

Example: Our company is ready to leap into the future.

19. A sign of things to come

Meaning: An indication of future trends or events.

Example: Virtual meetings are a sign of things to come.

20. Uncharted waters

Meaning: Unknown or unfamiliar territory.

Example: We’re entering uncharted waters with this project.

Idioms That Describe the Future

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