Learn 20 Idioms That Describe the Past

Idioms enrich our language by infusing it with vivid imagery and cultural depth. This post explores 20 English idioms that evoke the past, offering a window into historical perceptions and experiences. Each idiom is a key to understanding how the past shapes our present conversations.

Idioms That Describe the Past

1. Down memory lane

Meaning: Recalling nostalgic memories.
Example: We walked down memory lane at the reunion.

2. Old flame

Meaning: A former romantic partner.
Example: He bumped into his old flame yesterday.

3. Bygone days

Meaning: Times that have passed.
Example: Grandma loves talking about bygone days.

4. Turn back the clock

Meaning: Return to an earlier time.
Example: If only we could turn back the clock!

5. Days of yore

Meaning: A very long time ago.
Example: Knights were brave in days of yore.

6. A thing of the past

Meaning: Something that no longer exists.
Example: Cassette tapes are a thing of the past.

7. Blast from the past

Meaning: Something nostalgically reminiscent.
Example: That old song is a blast from the past.

8. The good old days

Meaning: A time remembered with nostalgia.
Example: Everyone misses the good old days.

9. Walk down memory lane

Meaning: To remember past experiences.
Example: Let’s walk down memory lane together.

10. Dusted off

Meaning: To bring out something from the past.
Example: They dusted off the old photo albums.

11. Time-honored

Meaning: Respected for being old or traditional.
Example: This is a time-honored festival here.

12. Steeped in history

Meaning: Full of historical significance.
Example: This town is steeped in history.

13. Relic of the past

Meaning: A surviving trace of a former period.
Example: That law is a relic of the past.

14. Yesteryear

Meaning: The past, typically the recent past.
Example: Fashion from yesteryear is coming back.

15. Ancient history

Meaning: Something from the distant past.
Example: Their argument is ancient history now.

16. Turn the page

Meaning: To move from the past to the future.
Example: It’s time to turn the page and forgive.

17. Once upon a time

Meaning: Used to start a story about the past.
Example: Once upon a time, there was a king.

18. Back in the day

Meaning: At some time in the past.
Example: Back in the day, we didn’t have smartphones.

19. From time immemorial

Meaning: From an indefinitely ancient time.
Example: These lands are ours from time immemorial.

20. Out with the old

Meaning: To replace old things with new ones.
Example: Every spring, it’s out with the old.

Idioms That Describe the Past

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