20 Idioms That Describe Certainty

Certainty is a state of being confident and assured about something. Idioms that describe certainty are useful in everyday language to convey conviction and confidence. Here are 20 idioms that illustrate the concept of certainty, each with a brief meaning and a concise example sentence.

1. In No Uncertain Terms

Meaning: Clearly and directly
Example: He stated in no uncertain terms that he was quitting.

2. As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs

Meaning: Absolutely certain
Example: She’ll be there, as sure as eggs is eggs.

3. Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

Meaning: Without any doubt
Example: He is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.

4. Without a Doubt

Meaning: Definitely
Example: She is without a doubt the best candidate.

5. For Sure

Meaning: Definitely
Example: I will call you tomorrow for sure.

6. No Ifs, Ands, or Buts

Meaning: No exceptions or excuses
Example: You must finish your homework, no ifs, ands, or buts.

7. Written in Stone

Meaning: Permanent and unchangeable
Example: The schedule is written in stone.

8. As Sure as Death and Taxes

Meaning: Inevitable
Example: Problems are as sure as death and taxes.

9. Cast in Stone

Meaning: Fixed and unchangeable
Example: The decision is cast in stone.

10. Mark My Words

Meaning: Pay attention to what I say
Example: Mark my words; he’ll succeed.

11. You Can Bet Your Bottom Dollar

Meaning: Very certain
Example: You can bet your bottom dollar it will rain.

12. No Two Ways About It

Meaning: Only one possibility
Example: There’s no two ways about it; he’s leaving.

13. In Black and White

Meaning: Written clearly
Example: The rules are in black and white.

14. Clear as Day

Meaning: Very clear
Example: It’s clear as day that they won.

15. Dead Cert

Meaning: Absolutely certain
Example: He’s a dead cert to win the race.

16. No Doubt About It

Meaning: Certain
Example: There’s no doubt about it, she’s the best.

17. Take It to the Bank

Meaning: Absolutely true
Example: You can take it to the bank, he’ll help.

18. When Pigs Fly

Meaning: Never
Example: He’ll apologize when pigs fly.

19. For All the World

Meaning: Absolutely
Example: She loves him for all the world.

20. It’s a Given

Meaning: Expected
Example: It’s a given that he’ll be late.

Idioms That Describe Certainty

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