Learn 20 Idioms That Describe War

War has inspired numerous idioms that capture its intensity, strategy, and impact on individuals and societies. These idioms often reflect the harsh realities and tactical nature of conflict, making them powerful expressions in both everyday conversation and literature.

Idioms That Describe War

1. At War With

Meaning: In conflict with
Example: She felt at war with her emotions.

2. Battle Lines Drawn

Meaning: Positions taken for conflict
Example: The debate had the battle lines drawn.

3. To Fight Tooth and Nail

Meaning: To fight very fiercely
Example: They fought tooth and nail for justice.

4. To Go to War

Meaning: To engage in conflict
Example: The companies went to war over patents.

5. Fight Like Cats and Dogs

Meaning: To argue fiercely
Example: The siblings fight like cats and dogs.

6. A War of Words

Meaning: Verbal conflict
Example: The politicians engaged in a war of words.

7. The Warpath

Meaning: Actively seeking conflict
Example: He’s on the warpath about the new rules.

8. To Win the Battle but Lose the War

Meaning: A temporary win but overall loss
Example: They won the battle but lost the war.

9. To Go Down in Flames

Meaning: To fail spectacularly
Example: The plan went down in flames.

10. A War Chest

Meaning: Funds for a campaign
Example: The candidate had a huge war chest.

11. To Declare War

Meaning: To announce the start of a conflict
Example: The two groups declared war on each other.

12. Cold War

Meaning: Tense, non-violent conflict
Example: The colleagues were in a cold war.

13. Friendly Fire

Meaning: Accidental harm from an ally
Example: They lost men to friendly fire.

14. Take No Prisoners

Meaning: Be ruthlessly aggressive
Example: She took no prisoners in the negotiation.

15. War of Attrition

Meaning: A prolonged conflict with gradual losses
Example: The lawsuit became a war of attrition.

16. Spoils of War

Meaning: Benefits taken from a conflict
Example: They enjoyed the spoils of war.

17. To Beat Swords into Plowshares

Meaning: To turn from war to peace
Example: The nations beat swords into plowshares.

18. Guerilla Warfare

Meaning: Irregular, small-scale warfare
Example: They engaged in guerilla warfare tactics.

19. To Be Under Siege

Meaning: To be under prolonged attack
Example: The city was under siege for weeks.

20. Battle-Hardened

Meaning: Made tough by conflict
Example: The veteran was battle-hardened and wise.


Idioms That Describe War

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