20 Idioms That Describe Readiness

Being prepared and ready for any situation is a valuable trait. In English, various idioms vividly describe the state of readiness. This blog post explores 20 idioms that illustrate this concept, providing their meanings and examples to enhance your understanding and use of these expressions.

1. All Set

Meaning: Fully prepared
Example: “I’m all set for the meeting.”

2. Good to Go

Meaning: Ready to start
Example: “We are good to go for the trip.”

3. In the Bag

Meaning: Certain to succeed
Example: “With that practice, the win is in the bag.”

4. On the Ball

Meaning: Alert and ready
Example: “She’s always on the ball at work.”

5. Geared Up

Meaning: Fully equipped
Example: “The team is geared up for the game.”

6. Primed and Ready

Meaning: Prepared and waiting
Example: “The soldiers are primed and ready.”

7. Up and Running

Meaning: Fully operational
Example: “The system is up and running now.”

8. Ready to Roll

Meaning: Prepared to start
Example: “We’re ready to roll for the event.”

9. Set to Go

Meaning: Prepared to begin
Example: “The crew is set to go.”

10. Raring to Go

Meaning: Eager to start
Example: “They are raring to go for the race.”

11. All Systems Go

Meaning: Everything is ready
Example: “It’s all systems go for the launch.”

12. Fit as a Fiddle

Meaning: In good condition
Example: “He’s fit as a fiddle and ready to play.”

13. At the Ready

Meaning: Prepared to act
Example: “The troops are at the ready.”

14. Prepared to the Nines

Meaning: Very well prepared
Example: “She’s prepared to the nines for the presentation.”

15. Armed to the Teeth

Meaning: Fully equipped
Example: “The team is armed to the teeth.”

16. Battle Ready

Meaning: Prepared for action
Example: “The soldiers are battle ready.”

17. Locked and Loaded

Meaning: Fully prepared
Example: “They are locked and loaded for the mission.”

18. Ready for Action

Meaning: Prepared to act
Example: “We are ready for action.”

19. Good to Go

Meaning: Fully prepared
Example: “She’s good to go for the test.”

20. On Your Toes

Meaning: Alert and prepared
Example: “You must stay on your toes in this job.”

Idioms That Describe Readiness

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