20 Idioms That Describe Preparation

Preparation is crucial for success, whether in daily tasks, big projects, or life-changing events. Knowing idioms that convey the concept of preparation can enhance your communication skills, making your expressions more vivid and relatable. Here are 20 idioms that describe preparation, along with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Ready and waiting

Meaning: Prepared and waiting
Example: “The team was ready and waiting for the presentation.”

2. All set

Meaning: Fully prepared
Example: “We are all set for the trip.”

3. In the pipeline

Meaning: In preparation
Example: “New projects are in the pipeline.”

4. On the drawing board

Meaning: In the planning stages
Example: “Our new design is still on the drawing board.”

5. Lay the groundwork

Meaning: Prepare the basics
Example: “We need to lay the groundwork before starting.”

6. Make the cut

Meaning: Be selected
Example: “She worked hard to make the cut for the team.”

7. Set the stage

Meaning: Prepare for an event
Example: “We need to set the stage for the launch.”

8. Get your ducks in a row

Meaning: Organize everything
Example: “Make sure to get your ducks in a row before the meeting.”

9. Prime the pump

Meaning: Stimulate or prepare
Example: “We need to prime the pump before the new policy starts.”

10. Grease the wheels

Meaning: Facilitate preparation
Example: “They greased the wheels to ensure a smooth process.”

11. Put through the paces

Meaning: Test thoroughly
Example: “The product was put through the paces before release.”

12. Put the finishing touches

Meaning: Complete final details
Example: “We need to put the finishing touches on the report.”

13. At the ready

Meaning: Prepared and ready
Example: “The team was at the ready for any situation.”

14. On standby

Meaning: Ready to act
Example: “The emergency team was on standby.”

15. In the works

Meaning: In progress
Example: “A new update is in the works.”

16. Under construction

Meaning: Being built or prepared
Example: “The new website is under construction.”

17. In the offing

Meaning: Likely to happen soon
Example: “A promotion might be in the offing.”

18. Prep for battle

Meaning: Prepare thoroughly
Example: “They prepped for battle before the big game.”

19. Gear up

Meaning: Get ready
Example: “We need to gear up for the new project.”

20. Read the tea leaves

Meaning: Predict and prepare
Example: “He read the tea leaves and prepared for the downturn.”

Idioms That Describe Preparation

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