Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Trade

Trade is a fundamental aspect of economic activity, involving the exchange of goods and services. Understanding idioms related to trade can enhance your comprehension of business language and communication. Here are 20 idioms that describe trade, each with a short meaning and an example sentence.

Idioms That Describe Trade

1. A hot commodity

Meaning: Something in high demand
Example: Face masks became a hot commodity during the pandemic.

2. Strike a bargain

Meaning: Make a good deal
Example: They managed to strike a bargain at the market.

3. Cut-throat competition

Meaning: Extremely competitive environment
Example: The tech industry is known for cut-throat competition.

4. Close the deal

Meaning: Finalize an agreement
Example: They closed the deal after long negotiations.

5. Drive a hard bargain

Meaning: Negotiate effectively
Example: She can drive a hard bargain in business.

6. Corner the market

Meaning: Dominate a particular market
Example: That company has cornered the market on smartphones.

7. Under the counter

Meaning: Illegally or secretly
Example: He bought the rare coin under the counter.

8. Go public

Meaning: Offer shares of a private company to the public
Example: The startup plans to go public next year.

9. Out of stock

Meaning: Unavailable for sale
Example: The popular toy was out of stock everywhere.

10. Buyer’s market

Meaning: Market conditions favor buyers
Example: It’s a buyer’s market for real estate right now.

11. Sell like hotcakes

Meaning: Sell quickly and in large quantities
Example: The new game is selling like hotcakes.

12. Cash cow

Meaning: A profitable product or business
Example: Their new app is a cash cow for the company.

13. Red tape

Meaning: Excessive bureaucracy
Example: Starting a business involves a lot of red tape.

14. Above board

Meaning: Honest and legal
Example: All their transactions are above board.

15. Break even

Meaning: Neither profit nor loss
Example: The business just managed to break even this year.

16. The bottom line

Meaning: The most important factor
Example: The bottom line is we need more sales.

17. In the red

Meaning: Losing money
Example: The restaurant has been in the red for months.

18. In the black

Meaning: Profitable
Example: Our company is finally in the black.

19. Put your money where your mouth is

Meaning: Back up words with action
Example: He needs to put his money where his mouth is.

20. On the up and up

Meaning: Honest and fair
Example: The new manager is on the up and up.

Idioms That Describe Trade

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