140+ Best Adjectives for Patience, Words to Describe Patience

Patience isn’t something learned overnight, it’s a quality that must be cultivated over time. Patience isn’t just the ability to wait, it’s a state of mind where you’re able to remain calm and composed in stressful situations, approach challenges with rationality, and stay motivated despite obstacles that appear on your path. It might feel like patience is an elusive trait some people have while others do not, but anyone can develop this essential skill.

To help you understand what characteristics make up a patient person, we’ve discussed some adjectives for patience below: words that will help describe this important quality. So read on to learn more about these often-overlooked words!

Here are the 10 Most Popular Adjectives for Patience:

  1. Calm
  2. Tolerant
  3. Persistent
  4. Serene
  5. Enduring
  6. Composed
  7. Forgiving
  8. Understanding
  9. Stoic
  10. Resilient

Discover More: Adjectives For Old

Adjectives for Patience Words to Describe Patience

Words to Describe Patience

Here are Some Useful Words to describe Patience with Meanings;

  1. Enduring – able to withstand hardship
  2. Persistent – continuing despite difficulties
  3. Tolerant – accepting of delay or uncertainty
  4. Unflappable – remaining calm under pressure
  5. Composed – maintaining a serene demeanor
  6. Steadfast – resolutely committed to a course of action
  7. Calm – remaining tranquil in the face of adversity
  8. Persevering – persisting in spite of obstacles
  9. Tranquil – peaceful and serene
  10. Serene – unaffected by stress or anxiety
  11. Self-controlled – exhibiting self-restraint and discipline
  12. Placid – free from agitation or disturbance
  13. Measured – acting with deliberation and restraint
  14. Long-suffering – enduring trials and tribulations without complaint
  15. Philosophical – accepting of what cannot be changed
  16. Forbearing – patient despite provocation or irritation
  17. Imperturbable – unshakably calm and composed
  18. Equable – showing consistency and evenness in temperament
  19. Easygoing – relaxed and unconcerned
  20. Self-possessed – having control of one’s emotions and reactions

Patience Description Words

Here are Patience Description words with Meanings in English;

  1. Sanguine – maintaining a positive outlook despite setbacks
  2. Level-headed – exhibiting sound judgment and rationality
  3. Measured – calm and balanced in one’s actions and decisions
  4. Unruffled – not easily perturbed or upset
  5. Pertinacious – holding firmly to one’s beliefs or goals
  6. Tenacious – persistently holding on to something valued
  7. Inexorable – steadfast and unyielding
  8. Resolute – unwavering in one’s determination
  9. Single-minded – focused and determined in pursuit of a goal
  10. Unwavering – steadfast and resolute in purpose
  11. Assiduous – persistent and diligent in one’s efforts
  12. Indefatigable – untiring in one’s pursuit of a goal
  13. Dogged – determined and persistent in pursuit of a goal
  14. Determined – resolute in purpose and intent
  15. Unrelenting – steadfast and persistent in the face of adversity
  16. Undaunted – not discouraged or disheartened by difficulties
  17. Unyielding – steadfast and resolute in purpose
  18. Unflagging – persistent and unrelenting in effort
  19. Patient – able to tolerate delay or difficulty
  20. Enduring – able to persist through adversity.

Adjectives for Patience

Here is a Huge List of Adjectives that are used for Patience:

  1. Enduring
  2. Composed
  3. Calm
  4. Stoic
  5. Serene
  6. Tolerant
  7. Unflappable
  8. Steadfast
  9. Resilient
  10. Persevering
  11. Long-suffering
  12. Forgiving
  13. Easy-going
  14. Contented
  15. Even-tempered
  16. Laid-back
  17. Tranquil
  18. Unhurried
  19. Steady
  20. Persistent
  21. Unruffled
  22. Equanimous
  23. Gentle
  24. Placid
  25. Self-controlled
  26. Zen
  27. Indulgent
  28. Lenient
  29. Understanding
  30. Kind
  31. Merciful
  32. Self-restrained
  33. Complaisant
  34. Magnanimous
  35. Patient
  36. Sedate
  37. Mild
  38. Philosophical
  39. Quiet
  40. Relaxed
  41. Composed
  42. Empathetic
  43. Tactful
  44. Accepting
  45. Adaptable
  46. Cool-headed
  47. Detached
  48. Easygoing
  49. Flexible
  50. Generous
  51. Humane
  52. Imperturbable
  53. Impartial
  54. Inner-directed
  55. Judicious
  56. Just
  57. Kindhearted
  58. Levelheaded
  59. Logical
  60. Mature
  61. Nonchalant
  62. Open-minded
  63. Optimistic
  64. Orderly
  65. Outgoing
  66. Pacifist
  67. Peaceful
  68. Practical
  69. Principled
  70. Rational
  71. Relaxed
  72. Reliable
  73. Restrained
  74. Self-disciplined
  75. Self-possessed
  76. Sensible
  77. Soft-spoken
  78. Sophisticated
  79. Spontaneous
  80. Steady
  81. Strong-willed
  82. Subdued
  83. Sympathetic
  84. Systematic
  85. Temperate
  86. Thoughtful
  87. Tidy
  88. Tough
  89. Tranquil
  90. Trustworthy
  91. Understanding
  92. Unflinching
  93. Unhurried
  94. Unruffled
  95. Unselfish
  96. Valiant
  97. Wise
  98. Witty
  99. Worldly
  100. Zealous

Ways to Describe Patience in Writing

Here are 20 amazing ways to describe Patience:

  1. Resilient in the face of delay.
  2. Enduring during moments of waiting.
  3. Steadfast in the midst of uncertainty.
  4. Tolerant of obstacles and setbacks.
  5. Unwavering when waiting for results.
  6. Persistent when things don’t go as planned.
  7. Serene when faced with challenges.
  8. Composed during times of stress.
  9. Calm in moments of frustration.
  10. Restrained when feeling impatient.
  11. Self-controlled in moments of uncertainty.
  12. Determined to wait for the right moment.
  13. Measured when handling setbacks.
  14. Even-tempered when facing delays.
  15. Gracious in the face of disappointment.
  16. Moderate in expectations and reactions.
  17. Long-suffering when waiting for resolution.
  18. Philosophical about life’s ups and downs.
  19. Indefatigable when waiting for progress.
  20. Accepting life’s pace and timing.


How do you describe patience?

Patience can be described as the ability to remain calm and composed in challenging situations or when faced with obstacles. It is the quality of being able to tolerate delay or difficulty without getting frustrated or upset. A patient person is someone who can wait calmly for something to happen or for a situation to resolve itself.

What adjective goes with patience?

Adjectives that can be used to describe patience include: steadfast, enduring, persistent, resolute, unflappable, serene, composed, and tolerant.

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