Top 30 Adjectives for Struggle (Negative & Positive Words)

Life is filled with challenges, and everyone faces struggles. Understanding the language to describe these moments can help convey feelings more effectively. Dive in to discover adjectives that best depict struggles.

Description of Struggle

Struggle refers to a determined effort or fight against difficulties or adversity, often evoking a sense of challenge.

Words to Describe Struggle

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Struggle:

  1. Challenging
  2. Daunting
  3. Intense
  4. Laborious
  5. Gritty
  6. Demanding
  7. Arduous
  8. Taxing
  9. Tumultuous
  10. Relentless
  11. Harrowing
  12. Onerous
  13. Uphill
  14. Vexing
  15. Wearisome
  16. Overpowering
  17. Rugged
  18. Thorny
  19. Prolonged
  20. Grueling
  21. Testing
  22. Overbearing
  23. Heavy
  24. Exacting
  25. Fierce
  26. Draining
  27. Herculean
  28. Formidable
  29. Stressful
  30. Oppressive

Positive Words to Describe Struggle

  1. Empowering
  2. Growth-driven
  3. Formative
  4. Strengthening
  5. Uplifting
  6. Resilient
  7. Overcoming
  8. Character-building
  9. Transformative
  10. Enduring

Negative Words to Describe Struggle

  1. Exhausting
  2. Debilitating
  3. Frustrating
  4. Daunting
  5. Overwhelming
  6. Demoralizing
  7. Stifling
  8. Painful
  9. Grueling
  10. Sapping

Adjectives for Struggle (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Giving strength or power.
  • Sentence: The empowering tale of her struggle inspired many.


  • Meaning: Weakening or enfeebling.
  • Sentence: His debilitating struggle with illness was heartbreaking.


  • Meaning: Leading to development.
  • Sentence: The growth-driven struggles taught her valuable lessons.


  • Meaning: Hard to overcome.
  • Sentence: The overwhelming struggles in life tested his will.


  • Meaning: Quick to recover.
  • Sentence: Her resilient spirit faced every struggle head-on.


  • Meaning: Causing loss of hope.
  • Sentence: Continuous failures were demoralizing his spirit.


  • Meaning: Inspiring happiness or hope.
  • Sentence: Stories of struggle can be incredibly uplifting.


  • Meaning: Making one feel trapped.
  • Sentence: The stifling challenges left no room for creativity.


  • Meaning: Shaping one’s growth.
  • Sentence: High school years are a formative struggle.


  • Meaning: Causing physical or emotional pain.
  • Sentence: His journey was a painful struggle.

Other Words to Describe Struggle

Words to Describe the Struggle for Freedom

  1. Heroic
  2. Revolutionary
  3. Defiant
  4. Relentless
  5. Fierce
  6. Brave
  7. Tenacious
  8. Unyielding
  9. Persistent
  10. Resolute

Words to Describe a Power Struggle

  1. Intense
  2. Dominating
  3. Heated
  4. Turbulent
  5. Aggressive
  6. Competitive
  7. Tug-of-war
  8. Oppositional
  9. Controlling
  10. Rivalrous

Words to Describe Inner Struggle

  1. Torturous
  2. Conflicting
  3. Torn
  4. Doubtful
  5. Contemplative
  6. Warring
  7. Distraught
  8. Battling
  9. Wrestling
  10. Opposing

Big Words to Describe Struggle

  1. Adversarial
  2. Confrontational
  3. Disputatious
  4. Antagonistic
  5. Contentious
  6. Embattled
  7. Obstructive
  8. Belligerent
  9. Pugnacious
  10. Rebellious

Words to Describe Struggling Students

  1. Overwhelmed
  2. Anxious
  3. Lagging
  4. Distracted
  5. Disheartened
  6. Frustrated
  7. Disengaged
  8. Persevering
  9. Challenged
  10. Disoriented

Words to Describe Struggle for Success

  1. Ambitious
  2. Aspiring
  3. Driven
  4. Persistent
  5. Relentless
  6. Grinding
  7. Hustling
  8. Grasping
  9. Reaching
  10. Pursuing

Words to Describe Struggle for Education

  1. Eager
  2. Thirsting
  3. Yearning
  4. Questing
  5. Endeavoring
  6. Grappling
  7. Striving
  8. Seeking
  9. Battling
  10. Persevering

How to Describe Struggle in writing?

In writing, depicting struggle requires emotional depth. Choose words that convey the intensity, duration, and impact of the struggle. Understand the context: is it an internal emotional battle or an external conflict? Use descriptive adjectives and vivid imagery to make readers feel the weight and significance of the struggle.


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Adjectives for Struggle

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