Top 30 Adjectives for Weather (Negative & Positive Words)

Weather plays a crucial role in our mood and daily activities. Delve into this list to uncover a rich vocabulary for describing all sorts of weather conditions, from sunny days to stormy nights.

Description of Weather

Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions in a location at a particular time, including temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation.

Words to Describe Weather

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Weather:

  1. Sunny
  2. Rainy
  3. Stormy
  4. Cloudy
  5. Windy
  6. Humid
  7. Dry
  8. Snowy
  9. Chilly
  10. Warm
  11. Muggy
  12. Foggy
  13. Breezy
  14. Freezing
  15. Mild
  16. Icy
  17. Hot
  18. Cool
  19. Tropical
  20. Arctic
  21. Thunderous
  22. Clear
  23. Overcast
  24. Misty
  25. Frosty
  26. Sizzling
  27. Damp
  28. Heatwave
  29. Blizzard
  30. Drizzly

Positive Words to Describe Weather

  1. Balmy
  2. Invigorating
  3. Refreshing
  4. Pleasant
  5. Serene
  6. Gentle
  7. Calm
  8. Bright
  9. Sun-kissed
  10. Temperate

Negative Words to Describe Weather

  1. Gloomy
  2. Oppressive
  3. Miserable
  4. Harsh
  5. Unbearable
  6. Sweltering
  7. Brutal
  8. Frigid
  9. Dreary
  10. Bleak

Adjectives for Weather (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Mild and pleasant.
  • Sentence: The night was balmy and perfect for a walk.


  • Meaning: Refreshingly cool.
  • Sentence: The invigorating breeze woke her up.


  • Meaning: Dark and cloudy.
  • Sentence: The sky looked gloomy all day.


  • Meaning: Overly hot and humid.
  • Sentence: The heat felt oppressive by noon.


  • Meaning: Pleasantly cool and reviving.
  • Sentence: A refreshing shower made his day.


  • Meaning: Extremely hot.
  • Sentence: It was a sweltering summer day.


  • Meaning: Cold and miserable.
  • Sentence: Winter mornings can be bleak.


  • Meaning: Very cold.
  • Sentence: The wind was frigid and biting.


  • Meaning: Light rain falling.
  • Sentence: It was a drizzly morning in Paris.


  • Meaning: Full of sunlight.
  • Sentence: We had a sunny day at the beach.

Other Words to Describe Weather

Words to Describe Weather Conditions/Forecast

  1. Stable
  2. Fluctuating
  3. Predictable
  4. Unpredictable
  5. Changing
  6. Steady
  7. Variable
  8. Constant
  9. Transitioning
  10. Settled

Words to Describe Cold Weather

  1. Nippy
  2. Brisk
  3. Gelid
  4. Wintry
  5. Polar
  6. Biting
  7. Crisp
  8. Raw
  9. Piercing
  10. Glacial

Words to Describe Hot Weather

  1. Blazing
  2. Torrid
  3. Sultry
  4. Boiling
  5. Scorched
  6. Burning
  7. Fiery
  8. Searing
  9. Parching
  10. Roasting

Words to Describe Good Bad Weather

  1. Perfect
  2. Ideal
  3. Unsuitable
  4. Lousy
  5. Excellent
  6. Terrible
  7. Wonderful
  8. Abysmal
  9. Fabulous
  10. Horrible

Words to Describe Rainy Weather

  1. Wet
  2. Soggy
  3. Drenched
  4. Puddly
  5. Soaked
  6. Spattering
  7. Splashing
  8. Deluge
  9. Pattering
  10. Pouring

Words to Describe Summer Weather

  1. Tropical
  2. Blistering
  3. Lush
  4. Verdant
  5. Toasty
  6. Broiling
  7. Summery
  8. Radiant
  9. Baking
  10. Beachy

Words to Describe Winter Weather

  1. Snowbound
  2. Frost-bitten
  3. Icy
  4. Hibernate
  5. Snowflakey
  6. Slushy
  7. Chilled
  8. Snowcapped
  9. Snowdrifted
  10. Whiteout

Words to Describe Spring Weather

  1. Blossoming
  2. Thawing
  3. Sprouting
  4. Warming
  5. Renewing
  6. Greening
  7. Flowery
  8. Budding
  9. Melting
  10. Vernal

Words to Describe Fall Weather

  1. Crisping
  2. Leafy
  3. Autumnal
  4. Harvesty
  5. Cooling
  6. Rustling
  7. Colorful
  8. Shortening
  9. Cozying
  10. Withering

Words to Describe Foggy Weather

  1. Hazy
  2. Obscured
  3. Murky
  4. Clouded
  5. Smoggy
  6. Mist-covered
  7. Blurred
  8. Grayed
  9. Muffled
  10. Veiled

How to Describe Weather in writing?

When describing weather in writing, it’s vital to paint a vivid picture using precise adjectives. Reflect on how the weather makes you feel, its impact on the surroundings, and the activities it might influence. Utilize a rich vocabulary to evoke emotions and immerse readers in the atmospheric conditions you’re portraying.


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Adjectives for Weather

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