Understanding business idioms is essential for navigating professional conversations effectively. These idioms often convey complex ideas succinctly, making communication more impactful. In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 common idioms that describe various aspects of business. By learning these, you’ll enhance your business vocabulary and improve your professional interactions.
Idioms That Describe Business
1. A Safe Bet
Meaning: A reliable and certain outcome
Example: Investing in technology is a safe bet.
2. Back to Square One
Meaning: Starting over after a failure
Example: The project failed, so we’re back to square one.
3. Behind the Eight Ball
Meaning: In a difficult or disadvantageous position
Example: We’re behind the eight ball with these delays.
4. Call the Shots
Meaning: Make the decisions and be in control
Example: As CEO, she calls the shots.
5. Cash Cow
Meaning: A consistently profitable product or business
Example: The new software is our cash cow.
6. Cut Corners
Meaning: Do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way
Example: We can’t cut corners on quality.
7. Down to the Wire
Meaning: At the last possible moment
Example: The deal was finalized down to the wire.
8. Get the Ball Rolling
Meaning: Start a project or process
Example: Let’s get the ball rolling on the new campaign.
9. Golden Handshake
Meaning: A large payment to someone leaving a job
Example: He left the company with a golden handshake.
10. Hit the Ground Running
Meaning: Start something and proceed at a fast pace
Example: She hit the ground running in her new role.
11. In the Black
Meaning: Profitable and not in debt
Example: Our company is finally in the black.
12. In the Red
Meaning: Losing money or in debt
Example: We can’t afford to stay in the red.
13. Jump on the Bandwagon
Meaning: Join a popular trend or activity
Example: Many companies jumped on the AI bandwagon.
14. Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Meaning: Stay focused on the goal
Example: Keep your eye on the ball to meet deadlines.
15. Learn the Ropes
Meaning: Understand the basics of a job or activity
Example: It took a month to learn the ropes.
16. Move the Goalposts
Meaning: Change the criteria or requirements
Example: They moved the goalposts, so we had to adjust.
17. On the Same Page
Meaning: Agreeing and understanding each other
Example: We need to be on the same page before proceeding.
18. Raise the Bar
Meaning: Set higher standards
Example: The new CEO aims to raise the bar for quality.
19. Think Outside the Box
Meaning: Think creatively and unconventionally
Example: We need to think outside the box to solve this.
20. Touch Base
Meaning: Make contact with someone
Example: Let’s touch base after the meeting.