Understanding is a key aspect of effective communication and relationships. Idioms that describe understanding can help convey the depth and nuances of how we grasp concepts, situations, or emotions. Here are 20 idioms that capture the essence of understanding, along with their meanings and example sentences.
1. In the Know
Meaning: Well-informed
Example: She’s always in the know about the latest trends.
2. Get the Picture
Meaning: Understand the situation
Example: After the explanation, I finally get the picture.
3. See Eye to Eye
Meaning: Agree completely
Example: We don’t always see eye to eye on politics.
4. Put Two and Two Together
Meaning: Draw a conclusion
Example: She put two and two together and realized he was lying.
5. Read Between the Lines
Meaning: Understand the hidden meaning
Example: He could read between the lines of her vague statements.
6. Make Sense Of
Meaning: Understand clearly
Example: It took a while, but I made sense of the instructions.
7. Get the Hang Of
Meaning: Learn to understand
Example: She’s getting the hang of her new job.
8. Know the Ropes
Meaning: Be experienced
Example: It’s important to know the ropes in this industry.
9. Got It Covered
Meaning: Understand and handle
Example: Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.
10. Light Bulb Moment
Meaning: Sudden understanding
Example: She had a light bulb moment and solved the problem.
11. Clear as Mud
Meaning: Hard to understand
Example: His explanation was clear as mud.
12. Piece of Cake
Meaning: Easy to understand
Example: Once you know the basics, it’s a piece of cake.
13. Get the Drift
Meaning: Understand the general idea
Example: I didn’t catch every word, but I got the drift.
14. Out of the Loop
Meaning: Uninformed
Example: I’ve been out of the loop since I left the project.
15. In the Dark
Meaning: Unaware
Example: She was in the dark about the company’s plans.
16. Catch On
Meaning: Understand gradually
Example: He’s starting to catch on to the new system.
17. On the Same Page
Meaning: Agree
Example: Let’s make sure we’re on the same page before proceeding.
18. Click With
Meaning: Understand well
Example: I really click with his teaching style.
19. Grasp the Nettle
Meaning: Face a difficult situation
Example: It’s time to grasp the nettle and address the issue.
20. Get Your Head Around
Meaning: Understand fully
Example: It took me a while to get my head around the new policy.