20 Idioms That Describe Confidence

Confidence is a powerful attribute that fuels determination and inspires trust. Whether in personal ambitions or professional endeavors, being confident helps individuals face challenges with courage and conviction. This blog post explores 20 idioms that encapsulate the essence of confidence, each illustrating the vibrant expressions that describe self-assurance in colorful ways.

1. Walk on air

Meaning: Feel elated

Example: She walked on air after the promotion.

2. Full of oneself

Meaning: Overly confident

Example: He’s full of himself lately.

3. Hold your head high

Meaning: Proud, confident

Example: She held her head high during the meeting.

4. On top of the world

Meaning: Very confident

Example: He felt on top of the world after winning.

5. Think the world of

Meaning: Highly confident in

Example: She thinks the world of her team.

6. Have the heart of a lion

Meaning: Very brave

Example: He approached the challenge with the heart of a lion.

7. Larger than life

Meaning: Extremely confident

Example: Her larger than life personality captivated everyone.

8. Feel ten feet tall

Meaning: Feel invincible

Example: He feels ten feet tall with his friends around.

9. Take the bull by the horns

Meaning: Handle confidently

Example: She took the bull by the horns in negotiations.

10. Face the music

Meaning: Confront boldly

Example: He faced the music despite his fears.

11. Cock of the walk

Meaning: Confident leader

Example: He’s the cock of the walk in his department.

12. In seventh heaven

Meaning: Extremely pleased

Example: She was in seventh heaven at her performance review.

13. Stand tall

Meaning: Be confident

Example: They stood tall despite the setbacks.

14. Nothing to sneeze at

Meaning: Impressively good

Example: His skills are nothing to sneeze at.

15. Live wire

Meaning: Energetic, confident

Example: The new manager is a real live wire.

16. Over the moon

Meaning: Extremely pleased

Example: He was over the moon with the results.

17. Take the world by storm

Meaning: Win over confidently

Example: Her new book took the world by storm.

18. Man of his word

Meaning: Dependably confident

Example: He is a man of his word in business.

19. Bet your bottom dollar

Meaning: Be very sure

Example: You can bet your bottom dollar on her performance.

20. Born with a silver spoon

Meaning: Privileged confidence

Example: He was born with a silver spoon and it shows.

Idioms That Describe Confidence

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