20 Idioms That Describe Peace

Peace is a state of tranquility and harmony, both internally and externally. In English, there are many idioms that encapsulate this serene state of being. Here are 20 idioms that describe peace, each with a brief meaning and example sentence to help you understand and use them effectively.

1. Peace and quiet

Meaning: Tranquility
Example: I enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside.

2. At peace with the world

Meaning: Contented
Example: After resolving his issues, he felt at peace with the world.

3. Calm before the storm

Meaning: Temporary peace
Example: The meeting room was the calm before the storm of debate.

4. Inner peace

Meaning: Inner tranquility
Example: Meditation helps me achieve inner peace.

5. Peace of mind

Meaning: Mental calmness
Example: Knowing my family is safe gives me peace of mind.

6. Hold your peace

Meaning: Stay silent
Example: He chose to hold his peace during the argument.

7. Leave in peace

Meaning: Not disturb
Example: Please leave me in peace to finish my work.

8. Keep the peace

Meaning: Maintain order
Example: The mediator helped keep the peace during negotiations.

9. Make peace

Meaning: Resolve conflict
Example: They decided to make peace after years of rivalry.

10. Rest in peace

Meaning: Die peacefully
Example: He hoped his grandmother would rest in peace.

11. Make your peace with

Meaning: Reconcile
Example: It’s time to make your peace with the past.

12. Quiet as a mouse

Meaning: Very quiet
Example: The house was quiet as a mouse after the kids left.

13. Still waters run deep

Meaning: Quiet people are thoughtful
Example: He rarely speaks, but still waters run deep.

14. Smooth sailing

Meaning: Easy progress
Example: After the initial hiccups, it was smooth sailing.

15. On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She was on cloud nine after the peaceful vacation.

16. Let sleeping dogs lie

Meaning: Avoid stirring trouble
Example: We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not bring up old issues.

17. At rest

Meaning: Peaceful
Example: She was finally at rest after a long struggle.

18. In a good place

Meaning: Happy and content
Example: He feels he’s in a good place in his life now.

19. Picture of tranquility

Meaning: Very calm
Example: The lake at dawn was a picture of tranquility.

20. Mellow out

Meaning: Relax
Example: She decided to mellow out with a good book.

Idioms That Describe Peace

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