20 Idioms That Describe Thought

Thoughts are an integral part of human life, reflecting our ideas, intentions, and emotions. Idioms provide a colorful way to describe various aspects of thinking. In this post, we explore 20 idioms that capture different facets of thought, offering concise meanings and example sentences for each.

1. Food for thought

Meaning: Something to think about
Example: Her speech gave us food for thought.

2. In two minds

Meaning: Undecided
Example: I’m in two minds about the trip.

3. Cross your mind

Meaning: Occur to you
Example: The idea never crossed my mind.

4. Rack your brain

Meaning: Think hard
Example: I had to rack my brain for the answer.

5. Put on your thinking cap

Meaning: Think carefully
Example: It’s time to put on your thinking cap.

6. Lost in thought

Meaning: Deeply thinking
Example: He was lost in thought during the meeting.

7. Mull over

Meaning: Consider carefully
Example: I’ll need time to mull over your offer.

8. Weigh your options

Meaning: Consider choices
Example: She needs to weigh her options before deciding.

9. Penny for your thoughts

Meaning: What are you thinking?
Example: You seem quiet; penny for your thoughts?

10. Think outside the box

Meaning: Be creative
Example: We need to think outside the box for this project.

11. Change your mind

Meaning: Alter your decision
Example: He changed his mind about the job.

12. Mind over matter

Meaning: Power of thought
Example: With mind over matter, she completed the marathon.

13. Overthink

Meaning: Think too much
Example: Don’t overthink the situation; just decide.

14. Think tank

Meaning: Group of experts
Example: The company hired a think tank for innovation.

15. Mind your own business

Meaning: Don’t interfere
Example: She told him to mind his own business.

16. Preoccupied

Meaning: Distracted by thoughts
Example: He seemed preoccupied during our conversation.

17. Daydream

Meaning: Fantasize
Example: She often daydreams about her future.

18. A thought-provoking idea

Meaning: Stimulating reflection
Example: His novel presented a thought-provoking idea.

19. A brainwave

Meaning: Sudden idea
Example: She had a brainwave about the new design.

20. A light-bulb moment

Meaning: Sudden realization
Example: He had a light-bulb moment and solved the problem.

Idioms That Describe Thought

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