Top 30 Adjectives for Concern (Negative & Positive Words)

Concern can be a multifaceted emotion, and the way we describe it can range from positive care and attention to negative worry and distress. Delve into the diverse adjectives we use to express this sentiment.

Description of Concern

Concern refers to an anxious feeling of interest, care, or apprehension about something or someone.

Words to Describe Concern

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Concern:

  1. Genuine
  2. Deep
  3. Overwhelming
  4. Slight
  5. Pressing
  6. Grave
  7. Fleeting
  8. Caring
  9. Immediate
  10. Negligible
  11. Compassionate
  12. Consuming
  13. Distressing
  14. Empathetic
  15. Constant
  16. Mild
  17. Exaggerated
  18. Mounting
  19. Lingering
  20. Severe
  21. Alarming
  22. Profound
  23. Intense
  24. Marginal
  25. Great
  26. Insignificant
  27. Major
  28. Trivial
  29. Significant
  30. Escalating

Positive Words to Describe Concern

  1. Genuine
  2. Caring
  3. Compassionate
  4. Empathetic
  5. Mild
  6. Profound
  7. Great
  8. Constant
  9. Major
  10. Significant

Negative Words to Describe Concern

  1. Overwhelming
  2. Grave
  3. Distressing
  4. Exaggerated
  5. Negligible
  6. Alarming
  7. Intense
  8. Trivial
  9. Lingering
  10. Escalating

Adjectives for Concern (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Truly felt.
  • Sentence: His genuine worry was touching.


  • Meaning: Intensely felt.
  • Sentence: Her deep concern was evident.


  • Meaning: Extremely strong.
  • Sentence: The news caused overwhelming worry.


  • Meaning: Small in degree.
  • Sentence: There’s a slight concern here.


  • Meaning: Urgent need.
  • Sentence: This is a pressing matter.


  • Meaning: Very serious.
  • Sentence: The issue raised grave concerns.


  • Meaning: Lasting briefly.
  • Sentence: My worry was fleeting.


  • Meaning: Showing kindness.
  • Sentence: Her caring gesture warmed hearts.


  • Meaning: Occurring now.
  • Sentence: We have immediate concerns.


  • Meaning: So small.
  • Sentence: It’s a negligible issue.

Other Words to Describe Concern

Words to Describe Concerns Raised

  1. Valid
  2. Legitimate
  3. Unwarranted
  4. Pertinent
  5. Baseless
  6. Timely
  7. Irrelevant
  8. Critical
  9. Unfounded
  10. Justified

Words to Describe Going Concern

  1. Stable
  2. Uncertain
  3. Viable
  4. Threatened
  5. Financially-sound
  6. Bankrupt
  7. Flourishing
  8. Insecure
  9. Robust
  10. Insolvent

Words to Describe Feeling Concern

  1. Disturbed
  2. Apprehensive
  3. Uneasy
  4. Anxious
  5. Reassured
  6. Troubled
  7. Relieved
  8. Stressed
  9. Worried
  10. Confident

How to Describe Concern in Writing?

When portraying concern in writing, it’s crucial to first determine the intensity and reason for the concern. Is it a fleeting unease, or a more profound, engulfing feeling? Providing context can help readers empathize with the sentiment.

Then, focus on the physical and emotional manifestations of concern. This could include facial expressions, body language, and internal reactions. Does the character’s heart race? Do their eyes scan the room anxiously? Are they consumed by thoughts, or trying to push them away?

Lastly, consider the outcome or resolution of the concern. Will it lead to action or contemplation? Will it fester, or be brushed aside? By concluding the description, you provide closure and progression in the narrative, making the portrayal of concern more impactful and memorable.

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