20 Idioms That Describe Despair

Despair is a powerful emotion that can leave individuals feeling hopeless and lost. Idioms capture the essence of these feelings, providing vivid imagery and relatable expressions. Here are 20 idioms that describe despair, complete with short meanings and example sentences to help you understand and use them effectively.

1. At the end of one’s rope

Meaning: Out of options
Example: She felt at the end of her rope.

2. Down in the dumps

Meaning: Very sad
Example: He’s been down in the dumps all week.

3. A sinking feeling

Meaning: Sense of dread
Example: I had a sinking feeling about the news.

4. In the depths of despair

Meaning: Deeply despondent
Example: She was in the depths of despair after the loss.

5. Hit rock bottom

Meaning: Reached lowest point
Example: After the breakup, he hit rock bottom.

6. Lost all hope

Meaning: No longer hopeful
Example: They lost all hope of finding her.

7. Feel defeated

Meaning: Overwhelmed by failure
Example: He felt defeated after the competition.

8. In a dark place

Meaning: Mentally distressed
Example: She’s been in a dark place since the accident.

9. At one’s wit’s end

Meaning: Completely puzzled
Example: I’m at my wit’s end with this problem.

10. In the doldrums

Meaning: Low spirits
Example: He’s been in the doldrums since his job loss.

11. Heart sinks

Meaning: Feeling of dread
Example: Her heart sank when she heard the news.

12. Crying over spilled milk

Meaning: Regretting the past
Example: There’s no use crying over spilled milk.

13. Feeling blue

Meaning: Sad
Example: She’s been feeling blue lately.

14. Lost in thought

Meaning: Deeply preoccupied
Example: He was lost in thought about his future.

15. Heavy heart

Meaning: Deep sorrow
Example: With a heavy heart, she said goodbye.

16. World falls apart

Meaning: Life feels ruined
Example: When he left, her world fell apart.

17. Crushed in spirit

Meaning: Deeply saddened
Example: She was crushed in spirit after the news.

18. Tears of despair

Meaning: Crying from hopelessness
Example: He cried tears of despair.

19. Down and out

Meaning: Without hope
Example: He’s down and out after losing his job.

20. Feel like giving up

Meaning: Ready to quit
Example: She feels like giving up on everything.


Idioms That Describe Despair

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