20 Idioms That Describe Hope

Hope is an essential emotion that keeps us going through tough times. Idioms about hope capture this feeling in creative and memorable ways, helping us express optimism and the expectation of better things to come. Here are 20 idioms that beautifully describe hope.

  1. Light at the End of the Tunnel

Meaning: Optimistic sign

Example: “There’s light at the end of the tunnel now.”

  1. Silver Lining

Meaning: Positive aspect

Example: “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

  1. A Glimmer of Hope

Meaning: Small hope

Example: “She saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes.”

  1. Hope Against Hope

Meaning: Despite odds

Example: “They hoped against hope for a miracle.”

  1. Pie in the Sky

Meaning: Unrealistic hope

Example: “Winning the lottery is just pie in the sky.”

  1. Ray of Sunshine

Meaning: Source of joy

Example: “Her smile is a ray of sunshine.”

  1. Hold Out Hope

Meaning: Maintain hope

Example: “They hold out hope for his recovery.”

  1. In the Nick of Time

Meaning: Just in time

Example: “Help arrived in the nick of time.”

  1. Keep the Faith

Meaning: Stay hopeful

Example: “They kept the faith despite the challenges.”

  1. On the Horizon

Meaning: Likely to happen

Example: “Better times are on the horizon.”

  1. Wish Upon a Star

Meaning: Hopeful wish

Example: “She wished upon a star for success.”

  1. Light Up One’s Life

Meaning: Bring joy

Example: “Her children light up her life.”

  1. Hope Springs Eternal

Meaning: Hope never ends

Example: “Hope springs eternal in the human heart.”

  1. Castles in the Air

Meaning: Unrealistic dreams

Example: “Building castles in the air won’t help.”

  1. Bright Future

Meaning: Promising future

Example: “He has a bright future ahead.”

  1. Spark of Hope

Meaning: Small hope

Example: “There was a spark of hope in her eyes.”

  1. Anchor of Hope

Meaning: Steady hope

Example: “Their friendship is an anchor of hope.”

  1. Crossing Fingers

Meaning: Wishing luck

Example: “I’m crossing my fingers for good news.”

  1. Eye on the Prize

Meaning: Focus on goal

Example: “Keep your eye on the prize.”

  1. Hope for the Best

Meaning: Expect good outcomes

Example: “Let’s hope for the best and prepare.”

Idioms That Describe Hope

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