20 Idioms That Describe Revolution

Revolutions have shaped the course of history, bringing about significant social, political, and cultural changes. Idioms related to revolution vividly capture the spirit of transformation and upheaval. Here are 20 idioms that describe revolution, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence.

1. Turning the Tables

Meaning: Reversing positions.
Example: The revolution turned the tables on the oppressive regime.

2. Upsetting the Apple Cart

Meaning: Disrupting the status quo.
Example: The new policies upset the apple cart of the old government.

3. Breaking the Mold

Meaning: Doing something differently.
Example: The revolutionaries broke the mold with their innovative strategies.

4. Shaking Things Up

Meaning: Causing significant change.
Example: The protestors shook things up in the political landscape.

5. Overthrowing the Government

Meaning: Removing those in power.
Example: The coup successfully overthrew the government.

6. Sparking a Change

Meaning: Initiating a transformation.
Example: The leader’s speech sparked a change in the citizens’ mindset.

7. Blowing the Lid Off

Meaning: Exposing a hidden truth.
Example: The whistleblower blew the lid off the government’s corruption.

8. Breaking the Chains

Meaning: Gaining freedom.
Example: The revolution was all about breaking the chains of oppression.

9. Starting from Scratch

Meaning: Beginning anew.
Example: After the revolution, the nation had to start from scratch.

10. Wiping the Slate Clean

Meaning: Making a fresh start.
Example: The new regime promised to wipe the slate clean and rebuild.

11. Setting the Stage

Meaning: Preparing for action.
Example: The protests set the stage for a full-scale revolution.

12. Lighting the Fuse

Meaning: Triggering an event.
Example: The oppressive laws lit the fuse for a widespread rebellion.

13. Raising the Stakes

Meaning: Increasing the risk.
Example: The revolution raised the stakes in the fight for freedom.

14. Breaking Ground

Meaning: Making new discoveries.
Example: The revolutionaries broke ground with their radical ideas.

15. Going Against the Grain

Meaning: Acting contrary to norms.
Example: The revolutionaries went against the grain to fight for justice.

16. Toppling the Powers That Be

Meaning: Overthrowing authority.
Example: The revolution toppled the powers that be, establishing a new order.

17. Redrawing the Map

Meaning: Changing boundaries or rules.
Example: The revolution redrew the map of political alliances.

18. Changing the Guard

Meaning: Transitioning leadership.
Example: The revolution led to a complete change of the guard.

19. Breaking New Ground

Meaning: Innovating or pioneering.
Example: The movement broke new ground in social reform.

20. Turning Over a New Leaf

Meaning: Starting afresh.
Example: Post-revolution, the country turned over a new leaf with progressive policies.

Idioms That Describe Revolution

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