Top 30 Adjectives for Addiction (Negative & Positive Words)

Addiction is a multifaceted experience that can be both negative and positive. This list will shed light on the various adjectives we use to describe addiction, providing clarity and depth.

Description of Addiction

Addiction is a complex condition characterized by an intense, uncontrollable desire for a substance or activity despite harmful consequences.

Words to Describe Addiction

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Addiction:

  1. Obsessive
  2. Compulsive
  3. Detrimental
  4. Enslaving
  5. Overwhelming
  6. Entrapping
  7. Relentless
  8. Consuming
  9. Debilitating
  10. Involuntary
  11. Chronic
  12. Unyielding
  13. Powerful
  14. Encompassing
  15. Pervasive
  16. Gripping
  17. Self-destructive
  18. Habit-forming
  19. Inescapable
  20. Hard-to-kick
  21. All-consuming
  22. Severe
  23. Uncontrollable
  24. Deep-seated
  25. Intense
  26. Ruinous
  27. Irresistible
  28. Persistent
  29. Unshakeable
  30. Insidious

Positive Words to Describe Addiction

  1. Passionate
  2. Zealous
  3. Driven
  4. Enthusiastic
  5. Engrossed
  6. Immersed
  7. Focused
  8. Committed
  9. Invested
  10. Dedicated

Negative Words to Describe Addiction

  1. Destructive
  2. Overpowering
  3. Obsessive
  4. Debilitating
  5. Detrimental
  6. Ruinous
  7. Involuntary
  8. Irresistible
  9. Uncontrollable
  10. Enslaving

Adjectives for Addiction (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Excessive preoccupation.
  • Sentence: His obsessive gaming worried his parents.


  • Meaning: Irresistible urge.
  • Sentence: She had a compulsive need for sweets.


  • Meaning: Weakening; impairing.
  • Sentence: The addiction became debilitating over time.


  • Meaning: Making one a slave.
  • Sentence: Drug use can be enslaving for many.


  • Meaning: Overpowering in effect.
  • Sentence: The urge was overwhelming for him.


  • Meaning: Unceasing; persistent.
  • Sentence: Her addiction was relentless.


  • Meaning: All-surrounding.
  • Sentence: His encompassing addiction affected his life.


  • Meaning: Spreading widely.
  • Sentence: Alcoholism is pervasive in some communities.


  • Meaning: Holding attention.
  • Sentence: His story was a gripping tale of recovery.


  • Meaning: Damaging oneself.
  • Sentence: He followed a self-destructive path.

Other Words to Describe Addiction

Words to Describe Addiction to Drugs

  1. Intoxicating
  2. Numbing
  3. Mind-altering
  4. Sedative
  5. Euphoria-inducing
  6. Stimulating
  7. Psychoactive
  8. Depressant
  9. Hallucinogenic
  10. Narcotic

Words to Describe Addiction Recovery

  1. Hopeful
  2. Healing
  3. Empowering
  4. Rehabilitative
  5. Renewing
  6. Uplifting
  7. Transformative
  8. Restorative
  9. Cathartic
  10. Rejuvenating

Words to Describe Addicted to Love

  1. Infatuated
  2. Besotted
  3. Love-struck
  4. Obsessed
  5. Clingy
  6. Passion-struck
  7. Lovesick
  8. Smitten
  9. Enamored
  10. Fixated

Words to Describe Addicted to Music

  1. Melomanic
  2. Harmonophilic
  3. Rhythmic
  4. Beat-driven
  5. Melodic
  6. Harmonious
  7. Lyric-addicted
  8. Tune-smitten
  9. Chord-hooked
  10. Sound-obsessed

Words to Describe Addictive Food

  1. Mouth-watering
  2. Moreish
  3. Irresistible
  4. Palate-pleasing
  5. Crave-worthy
  6. Tantalizing
  7. Delectable
  8. Luscious
  9. Tempting
  10. Scrumptious

Words to Describe Alcohol Addiction

  1. Alcoholic
  2. Binge-drinking
  3. Intoxicated
  4. Heavy-drinking
  5. Soused
  6. Inebriated
  7. Liquor-dependent
  8. Tipsy
  9. Sot
  10. Sloshed

How to Describe Addiction in Writing?

To describe addiction in writing, one must balance empathy with realism. Recognize the immense power addiction holds over individuals while also acknowledging the potential for recovery and change. Use precise adjectives to capture the complexity and depth of this human experience without making it sound trivial or stereotypical.

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