Top 30 Adjectives for Admiration (Negative & Positive Words)

Admiration is a heartfelt emotion we feel towards someone or something. This article outlines various words to depict admiration, both in its positive and negative facets.

Description of Admiration

Admiration refers to the deep respect and warm approval felt or expressed for someone or something.

Words to Describe Admiration

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Admiration:

  1. Respectful
  2. Reverent
  3. Appreciative
  4. Enthusiastic
  5. Impressed
  6. Fascinated
  7. Awestruck
  8. Captivated
  9. Esteemed
  10. Grateful
  11. Honored
  12. Pleased
  13. Valued
  14. Worshipped
  15. Mesmerized
  16. Charmed
  17. Delighted
  18. Exalted
  19. Flattered
  20. Laudatory
  21. Praising
  22. Smitten
  23. Starstruck
  24. Wowed
  25. Zealous
  26. Fawning
  27. Overzealous
  28. Obsessed
  29. Idolized
  30. Overblown

Positive Words to Describe Admiration

  1. Respectful
  2. Appreciative
  3. Impressed
  4. Reverent
  5. Esteemed
  6. Grateful
  7. Fascinated
  8. Honored
  9. Captivated
  10. Awestruck

Negative Words to Describe Admiration

  1. Fawning
  2. Obsessed
  3. Overzealous
  4. Idolized
  5. Overblown
  6. Smothering
  7. Blind
  8. Fanatical
  9. Overenthusiastic
  10. Excessive

Adjectives for Admiration (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Full of respect.
  • Sentence: She gave a respectful nod to the elder.


  • Meaning: Feeling deep respect.
  • Sentence: His tone was reverent when discussing heroes.


  • Meaning: Deeply affected.
  • Sentence: I was impressed by her talent.


  • Meaning: Highly regarded.
  • Sentence: The scientist is esteemed in his field.


  • Meaning: Feeling thankful.
  • Sentence: He was grateful for her guidance.


  • Meaning: Extremely interested.
  • Sentence: She was fascinated by the story.


  • Meaning: Deeply respected.
  • Sentence: He felt honored to be chosen.


  • Meaning: Strongly attracted.
  • Sentence: The music captivated the audience.


  • Meaning: Filled with awe.
  • Sentence: The view left me awestruck.


  • Meaning: Deeply affected.
  • Sentence: He was smitten by her charm.

Other Words to Describe Admiration

Words to Describe Someone You Admire

  1. Respectable
  2. Noble
  3. Laudable
  4. Commendable
  5. Stellar
  6. Worthy
  7. Exemplary
  8. Outstanding
  9. Dignified
  10. Eminent

Words That Show Admiration

  1. Praiseworthy
  2. Admirable
  3. Celebrated
  4. Venerable
  5. Renowned
  6. Acclaimed
  7. Prestigious
  8. Famed
  9. Illustrious
  10. Esteemed

Words to Describe an Admirable Person

  1. Upright
  2. Virtuous
  3. Honorable
  4. Gallant
  5. Magnanimous
  6. Righteous
  7. Ethical
  8. Principled
  9. Morally upright
  10. Decorous

How to Describe Admiration in Writing?

When describing admiration in writing, utilize words that evoke a sense of deep respect, warmth, and regard. Make sure to capture the genuine feeling and intensity of admiration, being wary of overemphasis that may diminish the authenticity of the sentiment. It’s about balance and authenticity, ensuring the words truly represent the depth of the emotion felt.

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