Top 30 Adjectives for Body (Negative & Positive Words)

Describing the human body can evoke a plethora of emotions, from pride to self-consciousness. The words we choose to define our or another’s physique are powerful and revealing.

Description of Body

The body, comprising bones, muscles, and organs, is the physical structure of a human or animal, representing its appearance and functionality.

Words to Describe Body

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Body:

  1. Slender
  2. Muscular
  3. Plump
  4. Fit
  5. Athletic
  6. Lean
  7. Curvy
  8. Chubby
  9. Toned
  10. Lanky
  11. Sculpted
  12. Petite
  13. Broad
  14. Willowy
  15. Stocky
  16. Graceful
  17. Frail
  18. Sturdy
  19. Heavyset
  20. Lithe
  21. Ripped
  22. Supple
  23. Bulky
  24. Gaunt
  25. Statuesque
  26. Robust
  27. Delicate
  28. Stiff
  29. Flexible
  30. Brawny

Positive Words to Describe Body

  1. Slender
  2. Muscular
  3. Fit
  4. Athletic
  5. Toned
  6. Sculpted
  7. Graceful
  8. Lithe
  9. Ripped
  10. Supple

Negative Words to Describe Body

  1. Plump
  2. Chubby
  3. Frail
  4. Gaunt
  5. Stiff
  6. Lanky
  7. Delicate
  8. Bulky
  9. Heavyset
  10. Willowy

Adjectives for Body (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Thin and graceful.
  • Sentence: Her slender frame danced effortlessly.


  • Meaning: Well-developed muscles.
  • Sentence: He showcased a muscular build.


  • Meaning: Slightly fat.
  • Sentence: She had a plump and jovial face.


  • Meaning: In good health.
  • Sentence: He maintained a fit physique.


  • Meaning: Physically strong.
  • Sentence: Her athletic body ran marathons.


  • Meaning: Thin but healthy.
  • Sentence: He had a lean and tall stature.


  • Meaning: Having curves.
  • Sentence: She was proud of her curvy shape.


  • Meaning: Slightly overweight.
  • Sentence: The baby’s chubby cheeks were adorable.


  • Meaning: Firm and strong.
  • Sentence: His toned muscles were evident.


  • Meaning: Tall and thin.
  • Sentence: He was lanky but strong-willed.

Other Words to Describe Body

Words to Describe Body Shape

  1. Hourglass
  2. Pear-shaped
  3. Apple-shaped
  4. Rectangular
  5. Triangle
  6. Oval
  7. Diamond
  8. Inverted triangle
  9. Slender
  10. Curvaceous

Words to Describe Body Type

  1. Ectomorph
  2. Mesomorph
  3. Endomorph
  4. Athletic
  5. Muscular
  6. Slender
  7. Plump
  8. Chubby
  9. Willowy
  10. Stocky

Words to Describe Body Size

  1. Petite
  2. Medium
  3. Large
  4. Plus-sized
  5. Tiny
  6. Broad
  7. Lanky
  8. Stout
  9. Tall
  10. Short

Words to Describe Body Parts

  1. Limbs
  2. Torso
  3. Extremities
  4. Digits
  5. Phalanges
  6. Cranium
  7. Mandible
  8. Tarsals
  9. Femur
  10. Radius

Words to Describe Body Movement

  1. Graceful
  2. Clumsy
  3. Fluid
  4. Jerky
  5. Swift
  6. Slow
  7. Rhythmic
  8. Hesitant
  9. Agile
  10. Stiff

Words to Describe Body Sensations

  1. Tingling
  2. Numb
  3. Burning
  4. Itchy
  5. Achy
  6. Stinging
  7. Sore
  8. Throbbing
  9. Prickly
  10. Warm

Words to Describe Body Posture

  1. Erect
  2. Slouched
  3. Hunched
  4. Leaning
  5. Upright
  6. Bent
  7. Relaxed
  8. Rigid
  9. Flexed
  10. Stretched

Words to Describe a Woman’s Body

  1. Feminine
  2. Voluptuous
  3. Svelte
  4. Waifish
  5. Matronly
  6. Statuesque
  7. Girlish
  8. Lithe
  9. Rubenesque
  10. Delicate

Words to Describe a Dead Body

  1. Lifeless
  2. Cold
  3. Pallid
  4. Decaying
  5. Stiff (rigor mortis)
  6. Decomposed
  7. Mummified
  8. Bloated
  9. Discolored
  10. Unresponsive

How to Describe Body in Writing?

When describing a body in writing, it’s important to be specific, empathetic, and avoid clichés. Focus on unique attributes, posture, or the way movement occurs. Consider the context in which you’re writing and the emotional response you aim to evoke. The choice of words can significantly shape the reader’s perception. Remember to approach the topic with sensitivity, acknowledging the broad diversity of human bodies.

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