Top 30 Adjectives for Burden (Negative & Positive Words)

Burden, whether physical or emotional, has a significant impact on our lives. Adjectives give depth to this experience, illustrating both its weight and its potential lessons.

Description of Burden

A burden refers to a heavy load, whether tangible or intangible, that someone has to bear or manage.

Words to Describe Burden

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Burden:

  1. Heavy
  2. Cumbersome
  3. Unbearable
  4. Oppressive
  5. Onerous
  6. Challenging
  7. Overwhelming
  8. Wearisome
  9. Intolerable
  10. Backbreaking
  11. Taxing
  12. Daunting
  13. Grinding
  14. Excessive
  15. Crushing
  16. Draining
  17. Harsh
  18. Grueling
  19. Stressful
  20. Suffocating
  21. Formidable
  22. Troublesome
  23. Straining
  24. Tiresome
  25. Lumbering
  26. Exacting
  27. Rigorous
  28. Pressing
  29. Confining
  30. Weighty

Positive Words to Describe Burden

  1. Manageable
  2. Formative
  3. Motivating
  4. Character-building
  5. Revelatory
  6. Strengthening
  7. Enlightening
  8. Empowering
  9. Meaningful
  10. Guiding

Negative Words to Describe Burden

  1. Draining
  2. Crushing
  3. Suffocating
  4. Overwhelming
  5. Wearisome
  6. Grueling
  7. Oppressive
  8. Stressful
  9. Intolerable
  10. Backbreaking

Adjectives for Burden (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Of great weight
  • Sentence: The bag was surprisingly heavy.


  • Meaning: Difficult to handle
  • Sentence: The process is very cumbersome.


  • Meaning: Too hard to endure
  • Sentence: The heat was almost unbearable.


  • Meaning: Causing discomfort
  • Sentence: The regime was truly oppressive.


  • Meaning: Burdensome or hard
  • Sentence: The duty was quite onerous.


  • Meaning: Provoking effort
  • Sentence: It’s a challenging task for him.


  • Meaning: Hard to overcome
  • Sentence: The odds were overwhelming.


  • Meaning: Causing fatigue
  • Sentence: The journey was really wearisome.


  • Meaning: Unendurable, too hard
  • Sentence: His arrogance was intolerable.


  • Meaning: Very hard work
  • Sentence: It was a backbreaking effort.

Other Words to Describe Burden

Words to Describe Feeling Burden

  1. Distressed
  2. Dejected
  3. Pained
  4. Resigned
  5. Heavy-hearted
  6. Desolate
  7. Sorrowful
  8. Downcast
  9. Anxious
  10. Frustrated

Words to Describe White Man’s Burden

  1. Paternalistic
  2. Imperialistic
  3. Superior
  4. Obligated
  5. Racist
  6. Presumptuous
  7. Moralizing
  8. Civilizing
  9. Controversial
  10. Sympathetic

Words to Describe Like a Burden

  1. Asphyxiating
  2. Ponderous
  3. Anchoring
  4. Sinking
  5. Crippling
  6. Encumbering
  7. Choking
  8. Restraining
  9. Handicapping
  10. Smothering

Words to Describe Heavy Burden

  1. Immense
  2. Colossal
  3. Gigantic
  4. Titanic
  5. Vast
  6. Monumental
  7. Prodigious
  8. Tremendous
  9. Herculean
  10. Stupendous

How to Describe Burden in Writing?

Describing a burden in writing involves addressing its weight, impact, and nature. Whether discussing a physical load or a mental stressor, the language should convey the depth and intensity of the burden. Utilizing vivid adjectives can provide readers with a clear image of the subject’s scale and effect.

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