Top 30 Adjectives for Community (Negative & Positive Words)

A community is a heartwarming mosaic of individuals. Adjectives to describe a community reflect its strengths, weaknesses, and character. Let’s explore these descriptive terms.

Description of Community

A community is a group of individuals who share common values, interests, or characteristics, often residing in a specific area.

Words to Describe Community

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Community:

  1. United
  2. Diverse
  3. Tight-knit
  4. Engaged
  5. Fragmented
  6. Supportive
  7. Inclusive
  8. Polarized
  9. Vibrant
  10. Alienated
  11. Active
  12. Cohesive
  13. Segregated
  14. Interactive
  15. Isolated
  16. Flourishing
  17. Disconnected
  18. Harmonious
  19. Struggling
  20. Empowered
  21. Marginalized
  22. Dynamic
  23. Static
  24. Prosperous
  25. Underprivileged
  26. Growing
  27. Resilient
  28. Declining
  29. Motivated
  30. Disengaged

Positive Words to Describe Community

  1. Thriving
  2. Welcoming
  3. Collaborative
  4. Connected
  5. Respectful
  6. Nurturing
  7. Involved
  8. Unified
  9. Flourishing
  10. Sustainable

Negative Words to Describe Community

  1. Divided
  2. Neglected
  3. Passive
  4. Disjointed
  5. Apathetic
  6. Fractured
  7. Conflicted
  8. Stagnant
  9. Excluded
  10. Oppressed

Adjectives for Community (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Joined together politically or for a purpose.
  • Sentence: The neighborhood was united in its efforts.


  • Meaning: Showing variety.
  • Sentence: The group had a diverse range of members.


  • Meaning: Involved in activities.
  • Sentence: The community was actively engaged in local events.


  • Meaning: Broken into pieces.
  • Sentence: The organization was fragmented by internal conflicts.


  • Meaning: Providing encouragement.
  • Sentence: The elders were very supportive of the youth.


  • Meaning: Divided into two extremes.
  • Sentence: The issue left the community polarized.


  • Meaning: Full of energy.
  • Sentence: The festival made the town vibrant.


  • Meaning: Feeling isolated.
  • Sentence: Some felt alienated from the decisions made.


  • Meaning: Engaged in action.
  • Sentence: The forum had an active membership.


  • Meaning: Sticking together.
  • Sentence: The team was strong and cohesive.

Other Words to Describe Community

Words to Describe Community Service

  1. Charitable
  2. Generous
  3. Unselfish
  4. Humanitarian
  5. Altruistic
  6. Philanthropic
  7. Selfless
  8. Giving
  9. Voluntary
  10. Compassionate

Words to Describe Community Involvement

  1. Participation
  2. Commitment
  3. Dedication
  4. Investment
  5. Interest
  6. Concern
  7. Stake
  8. Engagement
  9. Inclusion
  10. Interaction

Words to Describe Community Development

  1. Progressive
  2. Evolving
  3. Expanding
  4. Transformative
  5. Advancing
  6. Improving
  7. Regenerating
  8. Modernizing
  9. Revitalizing
  10. Innovative

Words to Describe Community Helpers

  1. Helpful
  2. Essential
  3. Reliable
  4. Trusted
  5. Dedicated
  6. Attentive
  7. Caring
  8. Responsive
  9. Dependable
  10. Respectable

Words to Describe Community College

  1. Accessible
  2. Affordable
  3. Flexible
  4. Local
  5. Diverse
  6. Practical
  7. Resourceful
  8. Inclusive
  9. Comprehensive
  10. Vocational

Words to Describe Community Work

  1. Contributory
  2. Meaningful
  3. Grassroots
  4. Collaborative
  5. Beneficial
  6. Rewarding
  7. Empowering
  8. Transforming
  9. Engaging
  10. Outreach

Words to Describe Community Oriented

  1. Focused
  2. Centered
  3. Based
  4. Directed
  5. Driven
  6. Concerned
  7. Rooted
  8. Embedded
  9. Devoted
  10. Invested

Words to Describe Community Members

  1. Integral
  2. Contributing
  3. Participating
  4. Valued
  5. Respected
  6. Core
  7. Essential
  8. Active
  9. Engaged
  10. Loyal

Words to Describe a Bad Community

  1. Hostile
  2. Unwelcoming
  3. Distrustful
  4. Resentful
  5. Closed-off
  6. Intolerant
  7. Judgmental
  8. Uncooperative
  9. Indifferent
  10. Insular

Words to Describe Sense of Community

  1. Belonging
  2. Unity
  3. Togetherness
  4. Bond
  5. Connection
  6. Affinity
  7. Kinship
  8. Solidarity
  9. Fellowship
  10. Rapport

Words to Describe a Healthy Community

  1. Balanced
  2. Harmonious
  3. Thriving
  4. Resilient
  5. Positive
  6. Nourishing
  7. Robust
  8. Sustainable
  9. Prosperous
  10. Vibrant

Words to Describe a Close Community

  1. Intimate
  2. Familiar
  3. Tight-knit
  4. Bonded
  5. Connected
  6. Unified
  7. Loyal
  8. Trusting
  9. Close-knit
  10. Affectionate

How to Describe Community in Writing?

Communities, in their essence, are tapestries of shared experiences, values, and interactions. In literature, they come alive through vivid descriptions that evoke a sense of place and belonging. To depict a community, highlight its unique attributes, shared rituals, and collective challenges.

Dive deep into the relationships that form the backbone of a community. Illustrate the camaraderie of Sunday soccer matches, the solace of communal prayers, or the discord of town hall meetings. Your readers should feel the pulse of the community – its joys, sorrows, and aspirations.

In conclusion, the key to vividly describing a community lies in attention to detail and an understanding of human dynamics. Transport readers into the very heart of the community, letting them taste its flavor, hear its heartbeat, and experience its collective soul.

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