Top 30 Adjectives for Conflict (Negative & Positive Words)

Conflict, an inevitable part of human interactions, can be described in myriad ways. While often seen in negative light, conflict can sometimes bring about positive change. Here are adjectives to paint a clearer picture of conflict.

Description of Conflict

Conflict arises when individuals or groups have opposing views, interests, or goals, leading to disagreement or clashes.

Words to Describe Conflict

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Conflict:

  1. Heated
  2. Violent
  3. Intense
  4. Passive
  5. Subtle
  6. Escalating
  7. Resolvable
  8. Ongoing
  9. Internal
  10. External
  11. Personal
  12. Impersonal
  13. Minor
  14. Major
  15. Constructive
  16. Destructive
  17. Verbal
  18. Physical
  19. Emotional
  20. Unspoken
  21. Direct
  22. Indirect
  23. Quick
  24. Prolonged
  25. Peaceful
  26. Hostile
  27. Civil
  28. Brutal
  29. Open
  30. Hidden

Positive Words to Describe Conflict

  1. Constructive
  2. Resolvable
  3. Peaceful
  4. Civil
  5. Open
  6. Direct
  7. Minor
  8. Passive
  9. Subtle
  10. Impersonal

Negative Words to Describe Conflict

  1. Destructive
  2. Violent
  3. Brutal
  4. Hostile
  5. Escalating
  6. Ongoing
  7. Emotional
  8. Intense
  9. Major
  10. Heated

Adjectives for Conflict (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Intensely emotional or passionate.
  • Sentence: Their argument became quite heated.


  • Meaning: Using or involving force.
  • Sentence: The protest turned violent.


  • Meaning: Extreme or forceful.
  • Sentence: The teams had an intense rivalry.


  • Meaning: Non-active or non-aggressive.
  • Sentence: His response was rather passive.


  • Meaning: Not obvious or blatant.
  • Sentence: There was a subtle tension.


  • Meaning: Increasing or intensifying.
  • Sentence: The dispute was escalating quickly.


  • Meaning: Capable of being solved.
  • Sentence: Their issues were easily resolvable.


  • Meaning: Continuing or persistent.
  • Sentence: The debate is still ongoing.


  • Meaning: Within oneself.
  • Sentence: She faced internal conflicts.


  • Meaning: Relating to outer causes.
  • Sentence: The external pressure was evident.

Other Words to Describe Conflict

Words to Describe Conflict Resolution

  1. Mediated
  2. Negotiated
  3. Reconciled
  4. Balanced
  5. Unified
  6. Collaborative
  7. Amicable
  8. Conclusive
  9. Facilitated
  10. Diplomatic

Words to Describe Conflict of Interest

  1. Biased
  2. Unfair
  3. Partisan
  4. Prejudiced
  5. Subjective
  6. Slanted
  7. Compromised
  8. Favorable
  9. Skewed
  10. Personal

Words to Describe Internal Conflict

  1. Psychological
  2. Moral
  3. Emotional
  4. Intrapersonal
  5. Spiritual
  6. Ethical
  7. Mental
  8. Philosophical
  9. Torn
  10. Self-inflicted

Words to Describe War and Conflict

  1. Bloody
  2. Prolonged
  3. Militaristic
  4. Strategic
  5. Global
  6. Relentless
  7. Catastrophic
  8. Devastating
  9. Tactical
  10. Ruthless

Words to Describe Without Conflict

  1. Harmonious
  2. Conflict-free
  3. Unopposed
  4. Smooth
  5. Calm
  6. Seamless
  7. Undisputed
  8. Uncontested
  9. Peaceable
  10. Steady

How to Describe Conflict in Writing?

To describe conflict effectively in writing, first identify the nature and source of the disagreement or tension. Is it a personal vendetta, a clash of ideologies, or perhaps a miscommunication? Pinpointing the root cause can give readers a clear picture of the situation at hand.

Then, express the intensity and duration of the conflict. Was it a brief spat or a prolonged feud? Did it simmer below the surface or explode in dramatic confrontations? Painting a vivid picture of the conflict’s manifestations can make your description more engaging.

Lastly, consider the consequences and repercussions of the conflict. Was there a resolution, or did it leave lasting scars? Showcasing the aftermath can emphasize the significance and impact of the conflict on individuals, groups, or even entire communities. Crafting a comprehensive narrative of conflict requires a balance of details, emotions, and context.

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