Top 30 Adjectives for Cry (Negative & Positive Words)

Crying is a universal human experience, and throughout literature and daily conversations, various adjectives help convey the depth and nuances of this emotion. From tears of joy to cries of anguish, words paint a vivid picture.

Description of Cry

A cry is a vocal expression of emotion, often associated with tears, distress, or relief, varying in intensity and reason.

Words to Describe Cry

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Cry:

  1. Heartfelt
  2. Loud
  3. Muffled
  4. Silent
  5. Desperate
  6. Joyful
  7. Piercing
  8. Subdued
  9. Guttural
  10. Pained
  11. Tearful
  12. Anguished
  13. Emotional
  14. Soft
  15. Wailing
  16. Hysterical
  17. Sorrowful
  18. Melodious
  19. Bitter
  20. Euphoric
  21. Quiet
  22. Broken
  23. Plaintive
  24. Harrowing
  25. Racking
  26. Jovial
  27. Trembling
  28. Resonant
  29. Heartbreaking
  30. Ecstatic

Positive Words to Describe Cry

  1. Joyful
  2. Melodious
  3. Euphoric
  4. Jovial
  5. Heartfelt
  6. Ecstatic
  7. Emotional
  8. Soft
  9. Resonant
  10. Quiet

Negative Words to Describe Cry

  1. Loud
  2. Desperate
  3. Piercing
  4. Anguished
  5. Pained
  6. Wailing
  7. Hysterical
  8. Sorrowful
  9. Harrowing
  10. Heartbreaking

Adjectives for Cry (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Deep and sincere.
  • Sentence: Her heartfelt cry touched everyone.


  • Meaning: High in volume.
  • Sentence: His cry was so loud.


  • Meaning: Softened sound.
  • Sentence: I heard a muffled cry inside.


  • Meaning: Filled with despair.
  • Sentence: The child’s cry was desperate.


  • Meaning: Happy and gleeful.
  • Sentence: Her joyful cry was contagious.


  • Meaning: Sharp and intense.
  • Sentence: A piercing cry echoed through.


  • Meaning: Low and restrained.
  • Sentence: His cry was very subdued.


  • Meaning: Deep and raspy.
  • Sentence: A guttural cry came from him.


  • Meaning: Expressing distress.
  • Sentence: She let out a pained cry.


  • Meaning: Accompanied by tears.
  • Sentence: His eyes had a tearful look.

Other Words to Describe Cry

Words to Describe Crying Eyes

  1. Watery
  2. Red-rimmed
  3. Swollen
  4. Glossy
  5. Misty
  6. Drenched
  7. Weepy
  8. Stinging
  9. Tear-streaked
  10. Puffy

Words to Describe Tears of Joy

  1. Sparkling
  2. Warm
  3. Overflowing
  4. Genuine
  5. Refreshing
  6. Liberating
  7. Uplifting
  8. Spontaneous
  9. Radiant
  10. Touching

Words to Describe Scream of Pain

  1. Agonizing
  2. Shrill
  3. Thunderous
  4. High-pitched
  5. Shattering
  6. Blood-curdling
  7. Shocking
  8. Horrific
  9. Disturbing
  10. Grating

Words to Describe Crying Hard

  1. Uncontrollable
  2. Convulsive
  3. Inconsolable
  4. Intense
  5. Overwhelmed
  6. Frenzied
  7. Distraught
  8. Shuddering
  9. Heaving
  10. Unrestrained

Words to Describe Crying in Pain

  1. Lamenting
  2. Woeful
  3. Anguish-filled
  4. Tortured
  5. Grievous
  6. Suffering
  7. Tormented
  8. Afflicted
  9. Distressed
  10. Mournful

Words to Describe a Battle Cry

  1. Defiant
  2. Fierce
  3. Uplifting
  4. Resolute
  5. Stirring
  6. Valiant
  7. Motivating
  8. Commanding
  9. Formidable
  10. Triumphant

Words to Describe a Silent Cry

  1. Soundless
  2. Mute
  3. Whispered
  4. Voiceless
  5. Inaudible
  6. Hushed
  7. Quiet
  8. Internal
  9. Unheard
  10. Suppressed

Words to Describe Far Cry

  1. Distant
  2. Remote
  3. Different
  4. Contrasting
  5. Vast
  6. Separate
  7. Opposite
  8. Removed
  9. Dissimilar
  10. Distinct

How to Describe Cry in Writing?

Capturing the essence of a cry in writing requires tapping into raw emotion. Every cry has a distinct quality, from the soft sobbing of a child to the exuberant cheers of victory. By choosing appropriate adjectives, writers can evoke powerful imagery that resonates with readers.

It’s essential to understand the context. The cry of a warrior differs vastly from that of a grieving mother. Contextual cues, combined with precise word choice, help convey the mood, intensity, and underlying emotion. This helps readers not just “read” but “experience” the narrative.

Finally, a good description transcends mere word choice. By blending auditory, visual, and emotional cues, writers can craft memorable scenes that evoke empathy and draw readers into the story’s very heart.

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