Top 30 Adjectives for Empathy (Negative & Positive Words)

Empathy is a powerful and essential human trait. Describing empathy can be as diverse as the emotions it encompasses. Certain adjectives help encapsulate its vast spectrum and nuances.

Words to Describe Empathy

Here are the most common words to describe Empathy:

  1. Compassionate
  2. Understanding
  3. Intuitive
  4. Sensitive
  5. Deep
  6. Genuine
  7. Warm
  8. Heartfelt
  9. Insightful
  10. Considerate
  11. Resonant
  12. Caring
  13. Relatable
  14. Supportive
  15. Sympathetic
  16. Attuned
  17. Receptive
  18. Profound
  19. Benevolent
  20. Thoughtful
  21. Connective
  22. Hollow
  23. Superficial
  24. Cold
  25. Detached
  26. Insincere
  27. Unfeeling
  28. Disconnected
  29. Aloof
  30. Distant

1. Compassionate

Meaning: Showing deep sympathy for others.

Example: A compassionate person listens with empathy.

2. Understanding

Meaning: Grasping others’ feelings and perspectives.

Example: Empathy requires an understanding approach to issues.

3. Sensitive

Meaning: Easily affected by emotions.

Example: Sensitive people often display strong empathy.

4. Perceptive

Meaning: Observing and interpreting subtle cues.

Example: A perceptive listener offers empathy intuitively.

5. Caring

Meaning: Showing concern for others.

Example: Caring individuals express empathy through their actions.

6. Nonjudgmental

Meaning: Refraining from criticism.

Example: A nonjudgmental attitude fosters empathy and trust.

7. Attentive

Meaning: Listening with focus and interest.

Example: An attentive listener shows empathy for others.

8. Thoughtful

Meaning: Considering others’ needs.

Example: Thoughtful gestures can convey empathy deeply.

9. Receptive

Meaning: Open to others’ emotions.

Example: Receptive individuals often empathize with others’ struggles.

10. Compassionate

Meaning: Sympathetic towards others’ suffering.

Example: Compassionate people embody empathy in their actions.

11. Supportive

Meaning: Providing help and encouragement.

Example: Supportive friends offer empathy in difficult times.

12. Intuitive

Meaning: Perceptive without explicit reasoning.

Example: Intuitive people often sense empathy naturally.

13. Genuine

Meaning: Authentic and sincere.

Example: Genuine empathy shines through honest expressions.

14. Open-minded

Meaning: Accepting diverse viewpoints.

Example: Open-mindedness is crucial to expressing empathy.

15. Emotional

Meaning: Easily moved by feelings.

Example: Emotional people often have a strong sense of empathy.

16. Reflective

Meaning: Meditative and contemplative.

Example: Reflective individuals understand empathy through introspection.

17. Responsive

Meaning: Reacting positively to needs.

Example: Responsive listeners show empathy with their reactions.

18. Patient

Meaning: Willing to listen without rush.

Example: Patient people offer empathetic support.

19. Kindhearted

Meaning: Sympathetic and kind.

Example: Kindhearted people show empathy through their kindness.

20. Humble

Meaning: Modest in behavior.

Example: Humble individuals express empathy through selflessness.

Words to Describe Empathy

Positive Words to Describe Empathy

  1. Compassionate
  2. Understanding
  3. Genuine
  4. Heartfelt
  5. Insightful
  6. Considerate
  7. Caring
  8. Supportive
  9. Sympathetic
  10. Benevolent

Negative Words to Describe Empathy

  1. Hollow
  2. Superficial
  3. Cold
  4. Detached
  5. Insincere
  6. Unfeeling
  7. Disconnected
  8. Aloof
  9. Distant
  10. Indifferent

Adjectives for Empathy (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Feeling or showing sympathy and concern
  • Sentence: Her compassionate response touched everyone.


  • Meaning: Being sympathetic and tolerant
  • Sentence: His understanding nature makes him popular.


  • Meaning: True and sincere
  • Sentence: Her empathy was truly genuine.


  • Meaning: Deep and sincere
  • Sentence: I felt her heartfelt condolences.


  • Meaning: Showing deep understanding
  • Sentence: His words were very insightful.


  • Meaning: Careful not to cause inconvenience
  • Sentence: He’s always so considerate of others.


  • Meaning: Displaying kindness and concern
  • Sentence: Her caring gestures were comforting.


  • Meaning: Providing encouragement
  • Sentence: He’s always been supportive in tough times.


  • Meaning: Feeling pity and compassion
  • Sentence: Her sympathetic words were soothing.


  • Meaning: Showing kindness and goodwill
  • Sentence: His benevolent actions were appreciated.

Other Words to Describe Empathy

Words to Describe Empathetic Person

  1. Altruistic
  2. Kind-hearted
  3. Selfless
  4. Philanthropic
  5. Charitable
  6. Generous
  7. Affectionate
  8. Humanitarian
  9. Patient
  10. Tender

Words to Describe Feeling Empathy

  1. Moved
  2. Touched
  3. Stirred
  4. Affected
  5. Impacted
  6. Motivated
  7. Stricken
  8. Enthralled
  9. Engrossed
  10. Immersed

Words to Describe Someone’s Empathy

  1. Boundless
  2. Radiant
  3. Overwhelming
  4. Unwavering
  5. Unconditional
  6. Abundant
  7. Steadfast
  8. Expansive
  9. Pervasive
  10. Infinite

Words to Describe Lack of Empathy

  1. Apathetic
  2. Numb
  3. Indifferent
  4. Stony
  5. Hardened
  6. Callous
  7. Emotionless
  8. Void
  9. Blank
  10. Unmoved

How to Describe Empathy in Writing?

Empathy, a deep-rooted human ability, serves as a bridge connecting individuals through shared emotions and experiences. In writing, depicting empathy entails diving into the intricate layers of human emotions. It’s about capturing those silent moments when someone places themselves in another’s shoes, feeling their joys and sorrows as if they were their own.

However, empathy is not always about sharing pain or happiness. Sometimes, it’s the simple acknowledgment of another’s existence and their emotions. Writers can show this by portraying characters who, despite having different perspectives, attempt to understand each other, or by highlighting moments when someone offers solace without uttering a word.

Conversely, the absence of empathy can be just as impactful in writing. Characters who lack this trait can seem distant, cold, or even villainous. By contrasting these characters with empathetic ones, writers can further underline the importance and power of this emotion in human relationships and society at large.

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