Top 30 Adjectives for Stomach (Negative & Positive Words)

Stomachs are crucial parts of our bodies and can be described in various ways, depending on our experiences. From feeling butterflies to being upset, explore the top adjectives for the stomach.

Description of Stomach

The stomach is an internal organ that digests food and sends it to the intestines.

Words to Describe Stomach

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Stomach:

  1. Flat
  2. Round
  3. Bloated
  4. Queasy
  5. Settled
  6. Full
  7. Empty
  8. Hungry
  9. Taut
  10. Upset
  11. Sensitive
  12. Gurgling
  13. Healthy
  14. Weak
  15. Strong
  16. Churning
  17. Nauseated
  18. Fit
  19. Flabby
  20. Growling
  21. Irritated
  22. Calm
  23. Lean
  24. Tight
  25. Soft
  26. Pudgy
  27. Distended
  28. Comfortable
  29. Unsettled
  30. Rumbling

Positive Words to Describe Stomach

  1. Flat
  2. Settled
  3. Full
  4. Healthy
  5. Strong
  6. Fit
  7. Calm
  8. Lean
  9. Tight
  10. Comfortable

Negative Words to Describe Stomach

  1. Bloated
  2. Queasy
  3. Empty
  4. Upset
  5. Sensitive
  6. Weak
  7. Flabby
  8. Irritated
  9. Pudgy
  10. Unsettled

Adjectives for Stomach (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Stretched tight.
  • Sentence: Her taut abdomen showed her fitness level.


  • Meaning: In turmoil.
  • Sentence: Anxiety made his stomach churning.


  • Meaning: Feeling sick.
  • Sentence: She felt nauseated after the ride.


  • Meaning: Swollen due to pressure.
  • Sentence: Overeating made it distended.


  • Meaning: Making bubbling sounds.
  • Sentence: A gurgling sound indicated hunger.


  • Meaning: Deep, resonant noise.
  • Sentence: His rumbling stomach interrupted the meeting.


  • Meaning: Soft and hanging.
  • Sentence: He disliked his flabby belly.


  • Meaning: Inflamed or annoyed.
  • Sentence: Spicy food made it irritated.


  • Meaning: Nauseous or uneasy.
  • Sentence: The boat ride made her queasy.


  • Meaning: Slightly fat.
  • Sentence: He pinched his pudgy stomach.

Other Words to Describe Stomach

Words to Describe a Stomach Ache

  1. Sharp
  2. Throbbing
  3. Stabbing
  4. Intense
  5. Mild
  6. Unbearable
  7. Gnawing
  8. Burning
  9. Cramping
  10. Persistent

Words to Describe a Hungry Stomach

  1. Ravenous
  2. Starving
  3. Eager
  4. Desirous
  5. Pining
  6. Famished
  7. Craving
  8. Yearning
  9. Voracious
  10. Longing

Words to Describe Empty Stomach

  1. Hollow
  2. Vacant
  3. Devoid
  4. Bare
  5. Unfilled
  6. Void
  7. Desolate
  8. Depleted
  9. Drained
  10. Clean

Words to Describe a Full Stomach

  1. Sated
  2. Stuffed
  3. Replete
  4. Packed
  5. Satisfied
  6. Overflowing
  7. Brimming
  8. Bursting
  9. Glutted
  10. Overfed

Words to Describe Weak Stomach

  1. Delicate
  2. Frail
  3. Feeble
  4. Fragile
  5. Vulnerable
  6. Shaky
  7. Unsteady
  8. Faltering
  9. Tender
  10. Unreliable

Words to Describe Upset Stomach

  1. Agitated
  2. Disturbed
  3. Jittery
  4. Ailing
  5. Sickly
  6. Afflicted
  7. Diseased
  8. Stricken
  9. Affected
  10. Disordered

Words to Describe Fat Stomach

  1. Bulging
  2. Obese
  3. Plump
  4. Portly
  5. Rotund
  6. Burly
  7. Chubby
  8. Tubby
  9. Corpulent
  10. Overweight

Words to Describe Stomach Growling

  1. Resonant
  2. Roaring
  3. Booming
  4. Thundering
  5. Echoing
  6. Loud
  7. Vibrating
  8. Muffled
  9. Resounding
  10. Deep

Words to Describe Sick to Your Stomach

  1. Ill
  2. Unwell
  3. Infirmed
  4. Aching
  5. Debilitated
  6. Wretched
  7. Dyspeptic
  8. Malaised
  9. Indisposed
  10. Downcast

How to Describe Stomach in writing?

To describe a stomach in writing, consider its physical state, sensations, and context. Use vivid adjectives to convey feelings, conditions, or appearance. Whether it’s hunger pangs, satisfaction after a meal, or the butterflies of excitement, use descriptive words that resonate with readers and evoke emotion or imagery.


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Adjectives for Stomach

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