Top 30 Adjectives for Survivor (Negative & Positive Words)

Survivors, whether of disease, accidents, or traumatic experiences, possess unique qualities. This post will provide you with 30 adjectives, both positive and negative, to describe the diverse attributes of survivors.

Description of Survivor

A survivor is an individual who has endured and overcome a challenging or adverse situation, emerging stronger or transformed.

Words to Describe Survivor

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Survivor:

  1. Resilient
  2. Brave
  3. Scarred
  4. Traumatized
  5. Determined
  6. Fearful
  7. Empowered
  8. Vulnerable
  9. Strong-willed
  10. Haunted
  11. Grateful
  12. Cautious
  13. Inspirational
  14. Damaged
  15. Relentless
  16. Guarded
  17. Courageous
  18. Broken
  19. Persistent
  20. Hesitant
  21. Fierce
  22. Wounded
  23. Tenacious
  24. Disillusioned
  25. Unyielding
  26. Shaken
  27. Victorious
  28. Mistrustful
  29. Hopeful
  30. Sensitive

Positive Words to Describe Survivor

  1. Resilient
  2. Brave
  3. Determined
  4. Empowered
  5. Strong-willed
  6. Grateful
  7. Inspirational
  8. Courageous
  9. Persistent
  10. Victorious

Negative Words to Describe Survivor

  1. Scarred
  2. Traumatized
  3. Fearful
  4. Haunted
  5. Damaged
  6. Broken
  7. Hesitant
  8. Wounded
  9. Disillusioned
  10. Mistrustful

Adjectives for Survivor (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Able to recover quickly.
  • Sentence: She was resilient after the accident, bouncing back with optimism.


  • Meaning: Having courage.
  • Sentence: He was brave to share his story with others.


  • Meaning: Having a firm decision.
  • Sentence: Despite setbacks, she remained determined to heal.


  • Meaning: Given power.
  • Sentence: Counseling made him feel empowered and in control.


  • Meaning: Having determination.
  • Sentence: His strong-willed nature helped him overcome many challenges.


  • Meaning: Troubled persistently.
  • Sentence: Memories of the incident haunted her for years.


  • Meaning: Feeling thankful.
  • Sentence: She was grateful for the support of her friends.


  • Meaning: Harmed or injured.
  • Sentence: The trauma left him damaged, seeking therapy for relief.


  • Meaning: Unyieldingly persistent.
  • Sentence: Her relentless spirit was an inspiration to many.


  • Meaning: Cautious and reserved.
  • Sentence: After the event, he became guarded around strangers.

Other Words to Describe Survivor

Words to Describe Cancer Survivor

  1. Hopeful
  2. Inspirational
  3. Resolute
  4. Recovered
  5. Thriving
  6. Valiant
  7. Tested
  8. Radiant
  9. Celebrated
  10. Overcomer

Words to Describe A Breast Cancer Survivor

  1. Bravehearted
  2. Reborn
  3. Unbreakable
  4. Triumphant
  5. Aware
  6. Advocate
  7. Pink-warrior
  8. Spirited
  9. Rejuvenated
  10. Encouraging

Words to Describe Survivor Guilt

  1. Ashamed
  2. Torn
  3. Burdened
  4. Regretful
  5. Conflicted
  6. Anguished
  7. Ruminative
  8. Distraught
  9. Self-blaming
  10. Tormented

Words to Describe Survivor Skills

  1. Adaptable
  2. Resourceful
  3. Alert
  4. Perceptive
  5. Intuitive
  6. Enduring
  7. Self-reliant
  8. Tactical
  9. Quick-thinking
  10. Steadfast

Words to Describe Survivor Instinct

  1. Primal
  2. Innate
  3. Impulsive
  4. Reflexive
  5. Driven
  6. Ingrained
  7. Natural
  8. Compulsive
  9. Automatic
  10. Instinctual

Words to Describe Residential School Survivors

  1. Wronged
  2. Marginalized
  3. Resolute
  4. Historied
  5. Scar-bearer
  6. Resigned
  7. Stoic
  8. Truth-teller
  9. Remembering
  10. Honored

How to Describe Survivor in writing?

Describing a survivor in writing requires sensitivity and respect. Always prioritize the person’s journey, highlighting their strength and resilience.

Using positive adjectives can empower the narrative, while negative ones can portray the challenges they faced.

Ensure that the description is well-balanced, showing both the struggles and victories of the survivor.


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