Top 30 Adjectives for Temperament (Negative & Positive Words)

Everyone has a unique temperament that defines their reactions and interactions. Discovering the right adjective can help describe one’s nature accurately, be it calm, fiery, or anything in between.

Description of Temperament

Temperament refers to an individual’s inherent character, mood, and behavioral tendencies.

Words to Describe Temperament

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Temperament;

  1. Calm
  2. Fiery
  3. Jovial
  4. Reserved
  5. Volatile
  6. Laid-back
  7. Aggressive
  8. Gentle
  9. Pessimistic
  10. Optimistic
  11. Sensitive
  12. Robust
  13. Moody
  14. Cheerful
  15. Melancholic
  16. Quick-tempered
  17. Easygoing
  18. Passive
  19. Impulsive
  20. Steady
  21. Placid
  22. Spirited
  23. Tense
  24. Content
  25. Fickle
  26. Stable
  27. Irritable
  28. Introverted
  29. Extroverted
  30. Sanguine

Positive Words to Describe Temperament

  1. Calm
  2. Jovial
  3. Gentle
  4. Optimistic
  5. Laid-back
  6. Cheerful
  7. Easygoing
  8. Placid
  9. Content
  10. Sanguine

Negative Words to Describe Temperament

  1. Fiery
  2. Volatile
  3. Aggressive
  4. Pessimistic
  5. Moody
  6. Quick-tempered
  7. Passive
  8. Tense
  9. Fickle
  10. Irritable

Adjectives for Temperament (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Peaceful, not agitated
  • She remained calm during the storm.


  • Meaning: Cheerful, friendly
  • He has a jovial nature.


  • Meaning: Kind, tender
  • Her gentle demeanor is loved by all.


  • Meaning: Seeing the negative side
  • His outlook is pessimistic at times.


  • Meaning: Often changing moods
  • He can be moody and unpredictable.


  • Meaning: Full of high spirits
  • She has a cheerful disposition.


  • Meaning: Relaxed, carefree
  • She’s so easygoing and chill.


  • Meaning: Calm, not easily upset
  • The child was surprisingly placid.


  • Meaning: Anxious, stressed
  • He seemed tense and agitated.


  • Meaning: Optimistic, hopeful
  • She’s sanguine about the future.

Other Words to Describe Temperament

Words to Describe Dog’s Temperament

  1. Loyal
  2. Obedient
  3. Protective
  4. Playful
  5. Skittish
  6. Docile
  7. Dominant
  8. Stubborn
  9. Alert
  10. Fearful

Words to Describe Child’s Temperament

  1. Curious
  2. Energetic
  3. Stubborn
  4. Playful
  5. Shy
  6. Outgoing
  7. Fussy
  8. Relaxed
  9. Adventurous
  10. Timid

Words to Describe Someone’s Temperament

  1. Balanced
  2. Grumpy
  3. Eccentric
  4. Amiable
  5. Neurotic
  6. Calm
  7. Aggressive
  8. Lively
  9. Passive
  10. Dull

Words to Describe Baby’s Temperament

  1. Fussy
  2. Colicky
  3. Happy
  4. Easygoing
  5. Sensitive
  6. Observant
  7. Sleepy
  8. Energetic
  9. Quiet
  10. Restless

Words to Describe a Person’s Temperament

  1. Stoic
  2. Vivacious
  3. Gracious
  4. Rude
  5. Melodramatic
  6. Phlegmatic
  7. Passionate
  8. Resilient
  9. Apathetic
  10. Dramatic

How to Describe Temperament in writing?

Describing temperament in writing requires focusing on behaviors, reactions, and patterns of emotion. Using vivid adjectives, capture the essence of the individual’s disposition. By combining both action and emotional description, you’ll paint a comprehensive picture of their nature and how they interact with the world around them.


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Adjectives for Temperament

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