Top 30 Adjectives for Weak (Negative & Positive Words)

Understanding the nuances of language allows us to communicate with precision. One such nuanced word is “weak.” Let’s delve into 30 adjectives that elaborate on this term.

Description of Weak

“Weak” primarily refers to lacking strength, vigor, or the ability to perform or act effectively. It can be both a negative and positive descriptor, depending on context.

Words to Describe Weak

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Weak:

  1. Frail
  2. Feeble
  3. Ineffectual
  4. Limp
  5. Wobbly
  6. Faint
  7. Faltering
  8. Soft
  9. Tepid
  10. Listless
  11. Insipid
  12. Timid
  13. Sluggish
  14. Impotent
  15. Meek
  16. Infirm
  17. Debilitated
  18. Lethargic
  19. Fumbling
  20. Brittle
  21. Dull
  22. Inadequate
  23. Vague
  24. Watery
  25. Flimsy
  26. Shaky
  27. Unsteady
  28. Wimpish
  29. Piddling
  30. Spineless

Positive Words to Describe Weak

  1. Fragile
  2. Delicate
  3. Tender
  4. Gentle
  5. Subtle
  6. Faint
  7. Soft
  8. Humble
  9. Subdued
  10. Light

Negative Words to Describe Weak

  1. Pathetic
  2. Powerless
  3. Incompetent
  4. Puny
  5. Worthless
  6. Lame
  7. Pitiful
  8. Impotent
  9. Insufficient
  10. Deficient

Funny Words to Describe Weak

  1. Wimpy
  2. Noodle-armed
  3. Wobbly-kneed
  4. Jelly-like
  5. Spaghetti-spined
  6. Featherweight
  7. Fluff
  8. Pushover
  9. Limp noodle
  10. Dainty

Adjectives for Weak (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Lacking robustness or resistance; easily broken or damaged.
  • Sentence: The frail old bridge was closed for safety reasons.


  • Meaning: Only slightly warm; lukewarm.
  • Sentence: The tea was so tepid, I asked for a fresh cup.


  • Meaning: Not physically or mentally strong, especially due to age or illness.
  • Sentence: His infirm grandmother requires constant care.


  • Meaning: Hard but liable to break or shatter easily.
  • Sentence: The cookie was so brittle that it crumbled in my hand.


  • Meaning: Lacking interest or excitement.
  • Sentence: The movie was so dull we left halfway.


  • Meaning: Of uncertain or unclear character or meaning.
  • Sentence: His explanation was vague and left us puzzled.


  • Meaning: Thin or pale in appearance or consistency.
  • Sentence: The soup tasted watery and lacked flavor.


  • Meaning: Weak and thin, lacking strength or solidity.
  • Sentence: The flimsy umbrella turned inside out in the wind.


  • Meaning: Unstable due to a lack of strength or firmness.
  • Sentence: The ladder felt shaky when I climbed it.


  • Meaning: Lacking courage, backbone, or spirit; feeble.
  • Sentence: The bully called him wimpish, but he stood his ground.

Other Words to Describe Weak

Words to Describe Weak Students

  1. Unfocused
  2. Disengaged
  3. Unprepared
  4. Struggling
  5. Distracted
  6. Hesitant
  7. Passive
  8. Lethargic
  9. Reluctant
  10. Disoriented

Words to Describe Weak Pulse

  1. Thready
  2. Faint
  3. Irregular
  4. Slow
  5. Feeble
  6. Diffuse
  7. Intermittent
  8. Barely palpable
  9. Distant
  10. Diminished

Words to Describe Weak Communication

  1. Unclear
  2. Muddled
  3. Indirect
  4. Vague
  5. Ambiguous
  6. Sparse
  7. Fragmented
  8. Incomplete
  9. Rambling
  10. Jumbled

Words to Describe Weak Performance

  1. Underwhelming
  2. Lackluster
  3. Mediocre
  4. Subpar
  5. Inferior
  6. Inadequate
  7. Unimpressive
  8. Below average
  9. Unproductive
  10. Deficient

Words to Describe Weak-minded person

  1. Gullible
  2. Indecisive
  3. Vacillating
  4. Impressionable
  5. Susceptible
  6. Fickle
  7. Pliant
  8. Malleable
  9. Yielding
  10. Inconstant

How to Describe Weak in Writing?

When describing something or someone as weak in writing, it’s essential to use precise adjectives and offer context. For example, physical weakness might be described as “fragile” or “debilitated,” while mental or emotional weakness might be conveyed with words like “indecisive” or “gullible.”

It’s also beneficial to provide reasons or situations to illustrate the weakness, adding depth and clarity to your description.


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Adjectives for Weak

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