Top 30 Adjectives for Weight (Negative & Positive Words)

Weight, a fundamental measure in various contexts, is described using a myriad of words. Dive into this compilation to discover the most fitting adjectives for weight-related situations.

Description of Weight

Weight represents the force of gravity on an object, often described in terms of lightness or heaviness, with varied implications in different scenarios.

Words to Describe Weight

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Weight:

  1. Heavy
  2. Light
  3. Bulky
  4. Hefty
  5. Weightless
  6. Massive
  7. Slight
  8. Bantam
  9. Lumbering
  10. Feather-like
  11. Weighed-down
  12. Burdensome
  13. Airy
  14. Gross
  15. Nominal
  16. Insufficient
  17. Meager
  18. Laden
  19. Overburdened
  20. Flimsy
  21. Trivial
  22. Weighty
  23. Considerable
  24. Puny
  25. Substantial
  26. Negligible
  27. Gravity-defying
  28. Gravitational
  29. Lugging
  30. Bearable

Positive Words to Describe Weight

  1. Manageable
  2. Ideal
  3. Perfect
  4. Balanced
  5. Optimal
  6. Feather-like
  7. Healthy
  8. Stable
  9. Comfortable
  10. Light-as-air

Negative Words to Describe Weight

  1. Oppressive
  2. Straining
  3. Overwhelming
  4. Cumbersome
  5. Unbearable
  6. Excessive
  7. Insufficient
  8. Burdensome
  9. Draining
  10. Weighed-down

Adjectives for Weight (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Having great weight.
  • Sentence: The backpack felt incredibly heavy.


  • Meaning: Lacking weight or substance.
  • Sentence: The box was surprisingly light.


  • Meaning: Taking up much space.
  • Sentence: The sofa was too bulky.


  • Meaning: Large and heavy.
  • Sentence: He made a hefty lift.


  • Meaning: Free from gravity.
  • Sentence: Astronauts feel weightless in space.


  • Meaning: Bulky and heavy.
  • Sentence: The statue was truly massive.


  • Meaning: Small in weight.
  • Sentence: There was a slight difference.


  • Meaning: Light and small.
  • Sentence: The bird was quite bantam.


  • Meaning: Moving heavily.
  • Sentence: The elephant was lumbering slowly.

Feather like

  • Meaning: Extremely light.
  • Sentence: The touch was feather-like.

Other Words to Describe Weight

Words to Describe Weight Loss

  1. Shedding
  2. Melting
  3. Slashing
  4. Cutting
  5. Trimming
  6. Shrinking
  7. Lessening
  8. Reducing
  9. Dropping
  10. Slipping

Words to Describe Weight Gain

  1. Adding
  2. Piling
  3. Increasing
  4. Growing
  5. Expanding
  6. Widening
  7. Swelling
  8. Thickening
  9. Accumulating
  10. Intensifying

Words to Describe Body Weight

  1. Sturdy
  2. Svelte
  3. Athletic
  4. Slender
  5. Muscular
  6. Robust
  7. Fragile
  8. Solid
  9. Lithe
  10. Plump

Words to Describe Light Weight

  1. Tenuous
  2. Ethereal
  3. Airy
  4. Insubstantial
  5. Fleeting
  6. Floaty
  7. Mere
  8. Delicate
  9. Breezy
  10. Wispy

Words to Describe Heavy Weight

  1. Thunderous
  2. Titanic
  3. Overpowering
  4. Staggering
  5. Momentous
  6. Grounding
  7. Gargantuan
  8. Mountainous
  9. Imposing
  10. Crushing

How to Describe Weight in writing?

When describing weight in writing, be specific and consider context. Address the actual weight, its comparative nature, or its effect on the object or person. By correlating weight to familiar items or situations, it becomes easier for readers to visualize and comprehend the described weight.

For instance, “as heavy as a bowling ball” gives a more tangible sense than just saying “heavy”.


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