Top 30 Adjectives for Witch (Negative & Positive Words)

Witches, mystifying figures from folklore to pop culture, have intrigued us for centuries. This list presents words that encapsulate the essence of these enchanting beings.

Description of Witch

A witch is a person, typically a woman, who possesses magical powers, practices witchcraft, and is often linked to the supernatural.

Words to Describe Witch

Here are the 30 most common words to describe witch:

  1. Mystical
  2. Enchanted
  3. Malevolent
  4. Crafty
  5. Magical
  6. Wise
  7. Cunning
  8. Bewitching
  9. Cursed
  10. Charmed
  11. Powerful
  12. Spellbinding
  13. Ancient
  14. Nocturnal
  15. Fabled
  16. Spiritual
  17. Eerie
  18. Shamanic
  19. Sorcerous
  20. Haunting
  21. Arcane
  22. Bewildering
  23. Ethereal
  24. Eldritch
  25. Alchemical
  26. Clairvoyant
  27. Sinister
  28. Puzzling
  29. Earthy
  30. Cryptic

Positive Words to Describe Witch

  1. Mystical
  2. Enchanted
  3. Magical
  4. Wise
  5. Charmed
  6. Powerful
  7. Spiritual
  8. Shamanic
  9. Ethereal
  10. Earthy

Negative Words to Describe Witch

  1. Malevolent
  2. Crafty
  3. Cunning
  4. Cursed
  5. Eerie
  6. Sinister
  7. Eldritch
  8. Bewildering
  9. Arcane
  10. Cryptic

Adjectives for Witch (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Spiritual and mysterious.
  • Sentence: Her rituals were truly mystical.


  • Meaning: Under a spell.
  • Sentence: The forest was enchanted by her.


  • Meaning: Wishing harm.
  • Sentence: She gave him a malevolent glance.


  • Meaning: Cunning; sly.
  • Sentence: Her plans were always so crafty.


  • Meaning: Having magic.
  • Sentence: Her potions had a magical effect.


  • Meaning: Having knowledge.
  • Sentence: The old witch was very wise.


  • Meaning: Clever at deceiving.
  • Sentence: She used her cunning to trick them.


  • Meaning: Enchantingly beautiful.
  • Sentence: Her eyes were absolutely bewitching.


  • Meaning: Under a curse.
  • Sentence: The cursed gem brought her bad luck.


  • Meaning: Lucky or protected.
  • Sentence: She led a charmed life.

Other Words to Describe Witch

Words to Describe Witch Trails

  1. Unjust
  2. Frightening
  3. Superstitious
  4. Hysteric
  5. Accusatory
  6. Misogynistic
  7. Fanatical
  8. Unfounded
  9. Dark
  10. Barbaric

Words to Describe Witchcraft

  1. Occult
  2. Ritualistic
  3. Enigmatic
  4. Paganistic
  5. Ancient
  6. Mystical
  7. Elemental
  8. Sacred
  9. Hermetic
  10. Spiritual

Words to Describe Witches in Macbeth

  1. Manipulative
  2. Prophetic
  3. Malefic
  4. Ambiguous
  5. Ominous
  6. Foreboding
  7. Dismal
  8. Fateful
  9. Eerie
  10. Malevolent

Words to Describe Witches Brew

  1. Bubbling
  2. Noxious
  3. Potent
  4. Pungent
  5. Concoction
  6. Lethal
  7. Mystical
  8. Foggy
  9. Muddled
  10. Toxic

Words to Describe Witches Voices

  1. Raspy
  2. Hypnotic
  3. Chanting
  4. Cackling
  5. Melodious
  6. Eerie
  7. Shrill
  8. Haunting
  9. Whispery
  10. Mesmeric

How to Describe Witch in writing?

Describing a witch in writing requires tapping into the deep mystique surrounding them. Incorporate elements of magic, nature, and the supernatural, and use vivid adjectives to illustrate their powers, appearance, and intent. Contextualize the witch based on cultural or historical settings to make them resonate more with readers.


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