Top 30 Adjectives for Wonder (Negative & Positive Words)

Wonder permeates our lives, often striking us with awe or curiosity. This blog dives into the adjectives that best describe the various facets of “wonder.”

Description of Wonder

“Wonder” is a feeling of amazement and admiration, often stirred by something beautiful, unexpected, or unfamiliar.

Words to Describe Wonder

Here are the 30 most common words to describe wonder:

  1. Awe-inspiring
  2. Breathtaking
  3. Marvelous
  4. Amazing
  5. Astonishing
  6. Startling
  7. Incredible
  8. Stupendous
  9. Majestic
  10. Miraculous
  11. Surprising
  12. Phenomenal
  13. Bewildering
  14. Spectacular
  15. Magnificent
  16. Unbelievable
  17. Fascinating
  18. Mysterious
  19. Spellbinding
  20. Mesmerizing
  21. Overwhelming
  22. Magical
  23. Grand
  24. Enchanting
  25. Dull
  26. Unimpressive
  27. Mundane
  28. Ordinary
  29. Predictable
  30. Unexciting

Positive Words to Describe Wonder

  1. Awe-inspiring
  2. Marvelous
  3. Amazing
  4. Astonishing
  5. Incredible
  6. Stupendous
  7. Majestic
  8. Miraculous
  9. Fascinating
  10. Magical

Negative Words to Describe Wonder

  1. Dull
  2. Unimpressive
  3. Mundane
  4. Ordinary
  5. Predictable
  6. Unexciting
  7. Underwhelming
  8. Plain
  9. Bland
  10. Tedious

Adjectives for Wonder (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Causing a feeling of respect.
  • Sentence: The view was awe-inspiring.


  • Meaning: Causing wonder.
  • Sentence: The art was truly marvelous.


  • Meaning: Causing great surprise.
  • Sentence: Your talent is so amazing.


  • Meaning: Extremely surprising.
  • Sentence: The discovery was astonishing.


  • Meaning: Hard to believe.
  • Sentence: The tale sounds incredible.


  • Meaning: Extremely impressive.
  • Sentence: The monument looks stupendous.


  • Meaning: Grand and dignified.
  • Sentence: The mountains are majestic.


  • Meaning: Remarkable and unexpected.
  • Sentence: His recovery was miraculous.


  • Meaning: Extremely interesting.
  • Sentence: The history is fascinating.


  • Meaning: Beautiful or delightful.
  • Sentence: The night felt magical.

Other Words to Describe Wonder

Words to Describe Wonder Woman

  1. Empowering
  2. Fearless
  3. Iconic
  4. Heroic
  5. Bold
  6. Dynamic
  7. Strong
  8. Charismatic
  9. Inspiring
  10. Legendary

Words to Describe Childlike Wonder

  1. Innocent
  2. Curious
  3. Pure
  4. Untainted
  5. Fresh
  6. Whimsical
  7. Bright-eyed
  8. Eager
  9. Open-minded
  10. Playful

How to Describe Wonder in writing?

When describing “wonder” in writing, focus on the emotions evoked by the subject. Use vibrant adjectives to bring the sensation of amazement to life. Delve deep into the feelings of astonishment, reverence, or admiration, and let your words paint a vivid picture, enabling readers to vicariously experience the same awe.


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