20 Idioms That Describe Arrogance

Arrogance often manifests in attitudes and behaviors that suggest one person believes they are superior to others. Understanding idioms that describe arrogance can help identify and articulate such traits. Here are 20 idioms that vividly depict arrogance, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Full of oneself

Meaning: Self-important
Example: She’s so full of herself; it’s irritating.

2. High and mighty

Meaning: Arrogant
Example: He acts all high and mighty around us.

3. Thinks the sun shines out of one’s backside

Meaning: Overly self-important
Example: She thinks the sun shines out of her backside.

4. On one’s high horse

Meaning: Acting superior
Example: He needs to get off his high horse.

5. Too big for one’s britches

Meaning: Overconfident
Example: He’s too big for his britches since the promotion.

6. Walking on air

Meaning: Overly proud
Example: She’s been walking on air since the award.

7. Put on airs

Meaning: Pretend to be superior
Example: He always puts on airs when he’s with strangers.

8. Look down one’s nose at

Meaning: Feel superior to
Example: She looks down her nose at everyone else.

9. Cock of the walk

Meaning: Overconfident
Example: He’s been cock of the walk since he won.

10. Acting like a peacock

Meaning: Show off
Example: Stop acting like a peacock, it’s embarrassing.

11. Big head

Meaning: Conceited
Example: Winning gave him a big head.

12. Larger than life

Meaning: Overly grand
Example: He sees himself as larger than life.

13. Fancy oneself

Meaning: Think highly of oneself
Example: She really fancies herself, doesn’t she?

14. God’s gift to mankind

Meaning: Overly self-important
Example: He thinks he’s God’s gift to mankind.

15. Head in the clouds

Meaning: Overly dreamy or arrogant
Example: She’s always got her head in the clouds.

16. Like a dog with two tails

Meaning: Extremely proud
Example: He’s like a dog with two tails after the promotion.

17. Master of the universe

Meaning: Overly powerful
Example: He acts like he’s the master of the universe.

18. Top of the heap

Meaning: Thinks highly of oneself
Example: She always sees herself as top of the heap.

19. Pride comes before a fall

Meaning: Arrogance leads to failure
Example: Remember, pride comes before a fall.

20. King of the hill

Meaning: Feeling superior
Example: He acts like he’s the king of the hill.

Idioms That Describe Arrogance

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