20 Idioms That Describe Change

Change is a constant in life, and language often reflects this reality through various idioms. Here are 20 idioms that vividly describe different aspects of change, each with a brief definition and a short example sentence to illustrate its use.

1. Turn Over a New Leaf

Meaning: Start fresh

Example: After his illness, he decided to turn over a new leaf and live healthier.

2. Break New Ground

Meaning: Innovate

Example: The company is breaking new ground in renewable energy technology.

3. Change of Heart

Meaning: Change opinion

Example: She had a change of heart and decided to stay home.

4. Make Waves

Meaning: Cause disruption

Example: His radical ideas made waves in the industry.

5. Move the Goalposts

Meaning: Change criteria

Example: Just when I thought I met their demands, they moved the goalposts again.

6. Ring the Changes

Meaning: Introduce variations

Example: The chef likes to ring the changes on classic dishes.

7. Blow Hot and Cold

Meaning: Be inconsistent

Example: He’s always blowing hot and cold about his plans to move abroad.

8. The Winds of Change

Meaning: Transforming trends

Example: The winds of change are sweeping through the organization.

9. Change Gears

Meaning: Shift approach

Example: We need to change gears and focus on marketing now.

10. Shake Things Up

Meaning: Cause disturbance

Example: The new CEO plans to shake things up at the company.

11. Cut and Run

Meaning: Leave abruptly

Example: When the project failed, they decided to cut and run.

12. Go Back to the Drawing Board

Meaning: Start over

Example: The plan failed, so it’s back to the drawing board.

13. Turn the Tables

Meaning: Reverse situation

Example: She turned the tables on her critics by winning the award.

14. Switch Gears

Meaning: Change focus

Example: We need to switch gears to meet the new deadline.

15. Start from Scratch

Meaning: Begin anew

Example: After losing the files, we had to start from scratch.

16. Do a 180

Meaning: Complete reversal

Example: He did a 180 on his decision to quit the job.

17. Reinvent the Wheel

Meaning: Create anew

Example: There’s no need to reinvent the wheel; use the existing software.

18. Turn the Corner

Meaning: Improve

Example: The business turned the corner after implementing new strategies.

19. Hit the Reset Button

Meaning: Restart

Example: After the crisis, they decided to hit the reset button and reorganize.

20. Transform Overnight

Meaning: Change suddenly

Example: The company transformed overnight after the merger.

Idioms That Describe Change

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