Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Childhood

Childhood is a pivotal chapter in everyone’s life story, filled with growth, learning, and boundless imagination. This blog post explores 20 idioms that encapsulate the essence of childhood, offering a nostalgic glance at the whimsical, carefree, and sometimes challenging journey of our early years.

Idioms That Describe Childhood

1. Young at heart

Meaning: Retaining a youthful spirit regardless of age.

Example: Grandma’s young at heart, always playing games.

2. Knee-high to a grasshopper

Meaning: Very small or young.

Example: He’s been curious since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.

3. In the springtime of life

Meaning: Being in the early, vibrant phase of life.

Example: They are in the springtime of life, full of energy.

4. Growing like a weed

Meaning: Rapid growth, typically of children.

Example: Look at her grow like a weed this year!

5. Full of beans

Meaning: To have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: After the nap, he was full of beans again.

6. Throw the baby out with the bathwater

Meaning: Discard the good along with the bad.

Example: Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater during reforms.

7. Not born yesterday

Meaning: Not naive or easily fooled.

Example: She wasn’t born yesterday; she’s quite sharp.

8. Cut your teeth

Meaning: To gain initial experience in something.

Example: He cut his teeth in marketing as an intern.

9. As easy as taking candy from a baby

Meaning: Very easy to do.

Example: Winning that game was like taking candy from a baby.

10. Babes in the woods

Meaning: People who are naive or inexperienced.

Example: They entered the stock market as babes in the woods.

11. Paddle your own canoe

Meaning: Be independent and self-reliant.

Example: He learned to paddle his own canoe early.

12. Barefoot and pregnant

Meaning: Outdated stereotype about traditional female roles.

Example: She rejected the barefoot and pregnant lifestyle.

13. A child’s play

Meaning: Something very easy to do.

Example: For her, solving puzzles is child’s play.

14. Like a kid in a candy store

Meaning: To be very excited and enthusiastic.

Example: He was like a kid in a candy store at the fair.

15. Sow wild oats

Meaning: Misbehave recklessly during youth.

Example: He sowed his wild oats, now he’s responsible.

16. Wear short pants

Meaning: To be inexperienced or immature.

Example: He still wears short pants in business matters.

17. Walk on eggshells

Meaning: To be very cautious about one’s actions.

Example: She walks on eggshells around her strict father.

18. Tied to mother’s apron strings

Meaning: Overly dependent on one’s mother.

Example: He’s still tied to his mother’s apron strings.

19. Saved by the bell

Meaning: Rescued from a difficulty at the last moment.

Example: He was saved by the bell at the quiz end.

20. Rob the cradle

Meaning: To date or marry someone much younger.

Example: Isn’t he too old to be robbing the cradle?

Idioms That Describe Childhood

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