20 Idioms That Describe Comfort

Comfort is a feeling of physical or emotional ease and relaxation. Idioms often capture this sentiment vividly, offering creative ways to express comfort in everyday language. Here are 20 idioms that describe comfort, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence to illustrate its use.

1. Home Sweet Home

Meaning: Returning home.

Example: After a long trip, it’s home sweet home.

2. Creature Comforts

Meaning: Material comforts.

Example: They love their creature comforts like plush sofas.

3. At Ease

Meaning: Relaxed and comfortable.

Example: He felt completely at ease in the garden.

4. In the Lap of Luxury

Meaning: Surrounded by luxury.

Example: They lived in the lap of luxury at the resort.

5. Make Yourself at Home

Meaning: Feel comfortable.

Example: Please, make yourself at home in our house.

6. Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Meaning: Very cozy.

Example: The baby was snug as a bug in a rug.

7. Happy as a Clam

Meaning: Very happy.

Example: She’s happy as a clam with her new job.

8. In One’s Element

Meaning: In a natural environment.

Example: He’s in his element when cooking.

9. Take It Easy

Meaning: Relax.

Example: After work, he likes to take it easy.

10. Cool, Calm, and Collected

Meaning: Relaxed and confident.

Example: She stayed cool, calm, and collected during the interview.

11. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Extremely happy.

Example: Winning the lottery put him on cloud nine.

12. At Home

Meaning: Comfortable in a situation.

Example: She feels at home in the countryside.

13. Like a Duck to Water

Meaning: Naturally comfortable.

Example: He took to skiing like a duck to water.

14. On Top of the World

Meaning: Extremely happy and comfortable.

Example: She felt on top of the world after her promotion.

15. In the Groove

Meaning: Operating comfortably.

Example: He’s in the groove when he’s playing guitar.

16. Right as Rain

Meaning: Perfectly comfortable.

Example: After a nap, he felt right as rain.

17. In the Pink

Meaning: In good health.

Example: She’s in the pink after her vacation.

18. Walking on Air

Meaning: Feeling very happy.

Example: He’s been walking on air since the wedding.

19. At Peace

Meaning: Feeling calm.

Example: She felt at peace by the lake.

20. In Seventh Heaven

Meaning: Extremely happy and comfortable.

Example: They were in seventh heaven on their honeymoon.

20 Idioms That Describe Comfort

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