20 Idioms That Describe Control

Control is a multifaceted concept that governs many aspects of our lives, from personal decisions to complex societal structures. Understanding how to discuss and analyze control is essential, and idioms are a popular tool used to convey its nuances in everyday language. This post explores 20 idioms that creatively express the idea of control, providing a brief insight into each through definitions and examples.

1. Pull the strings

Meaning: Control indirectly
Example: He pulls the strings at work.

2. Hold the reins

Meaning: Be in charge
Example: She holds the reins tightly.

3. Call the shots

Meaning: Make decisions
Example: He calls the shots here.

4. Rule the roost

Meaning: Dominate at home
Example: She rules the roost.

5. Have the upper hand

Meaning: Gain advantage
Example: He had the upper hand.

6. Keep on a tight leash

Meaning: Control closely
Example: She keeps him on a tight leash.

7. Run the show

Meaning: Control operations
Example: He runs the show.

8. Pull the strings

Meaning: Control secretly
Example: She pulls the strings.

9. Take the helm

Meaning: Lead
Example: He took the helm.

10. Wear the trousers

Meaning: Be in charge
Example: She wears the trousers.

11. Have someone in your pocket

Meaning: Control someone
Example: He’s got the judge in his pocket.

12. Play puppet master

Meaning: Manipulate
Example: She plays puppet master.

13. The driving force

Meaning: Major influencer
Example: He’s the driving force.

14. Hold the fort

Meaning: Maintain control
Example: She holds the fort.

15. Keep under thumb

Meaning: Control tightly
Example: He keeps her under his thumb.

16. Move the chess pieces

Meaning: Strategically control
Example: She moves the chess pieces well.

17. Pull the wires

Meaning: Control discreetly
Example: He pulls the wires at work.

18. In the driver’s seat

Meaning: Control position
Example: She’s in the driver’s seat now.

19. Twist someone’s arm

Meaning: Coerce
Example: He twisted my arm to agree.

20. Crack the whip

Meaning: Enforce obedience
Example: She cracks the whip in meetings.

Idioms That Describe Control

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