20 Idioms That Describe Decline

Decline can be seen in many areas of life, from personal health to economic conditions. Idioms that describe decline capture these downturns in vivid language, making it easier to express and understand such situations. Here are 20 idioms that illustrate various forms of decline.

1. On the decline

Meaning: Decreasing steadily
Example: Her health is on the decline.

2. Downhill slide

Meaning: Rapid deterioration
Example: The company is on a downhill slide.

3. On the ropes

Meaning: Near failure
Example: The business is on the ropes.

4. Down and out

Meaning: Without resources
Example: He was down and out after the crash.

5. In freefall

Meaning: Uncontrolled decline
Example: The economy is in freefall.

6. Losing ground

Meaning: Falling behind
Example: The team is losing ground to competitors.

7. On the way out

Meaning: Becoming obsolete
Example: That technology is on the way out.

8. Past its prime

Meaning: No longer at best
Example: His career is past its prime.

9. Circling the drain

Meaning: Approaching failure
Example: The project is circling the drain.

10. On the skids

Meaning: Declining rapidly
Example: The industry is on the skids.

11. Falling apart

Meaning: Deteriorating
Example: Their marriage is falling apart.

12. Going to the dogs

Meaning: Becoming worse
Example: The neighborhood is going to the dogs.

13. In decline

Meaning: Decreasing
Example: Sales are in decline this quarter.

14. Going downhill

Meaning: Getting worse
Example: His performance is going downhill.

15. On the wane

Meaning: Losing power
Example: Their influence is on the wane.

16. Headed south

Meaning: Declining
Example: Stocks are headed south.

17. Bottoming out

Meaning: Reaching lowest point
Example: The market is bottoming out.

18. On its last legs

Meaning: Nearing end
Example: The car is on its last legs.

19. Fading away

Meaning: Disappearing slowly
Example: The tradition is fading away.

20. Sinking ship

Meaning: Failing organization
Example: He left the sinking ship before it was too late.

Idioms That Describe Decline

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