Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Discipline

Discipline is a vital trait that helps in achieving goals and maintaining order in life. Understanding idioms related to discipline can enrich your vocabulary and convey concepts more effectively. Here are 20 idioms that describe discipline, each with a short meaning and example sentence.

Idioms That Describe Discipline

1. Keep Your Nose to the Grindstone

Meaning: Work hard and continuously.

Example: She kept her nose to the grindstone all year.

2. Toe the Line

Meaning: Follow rules or standards.

Example: Employees must toe the line to succeed here.

3. Crack the Whip

Meaning: Enforce strict discipline.

Example: The manager decided to crack the whip after delays.

4. Stick to Your Guns

Meaning: Maintain your position or stance.

Example: He stuck to his guns despite criticism.

5. Mind Your P’s and Q’s

Meaning: Be careful about your behavior and manners.

Example: At the meeting, remember to mind your P’s and Q’s.

6. March to the Beat of Your Own Drum

Meaning: Follow your own methods or ideas.

Example: She marches to the beat of her own drum at work.

7. Rule with an Iron Fist

Meaning: Govern or control with strictness.

Example: The principal ruled with an iron fist.

8. Walk the Line

Meaning: Maintain a delicate balance.

Example: He must walk the line between work and family.

9. Button Up

Meaning: Behave properly and follow rules.

Example: You need to button up and follow the dress code.

10. Keep a Tight Rein

Meaning: Maintain strict control.

Example: The teacher keeps a tight rein on the students.

11. Buckle Down

Meaning: Apply oneself seriously to a task.

Example: It’s time to buckle down and study for exams.

12. On the Straight and Narrow

Meaning: Behaving in a morally upright way.

Example: He stayed on the straight and narrow after prison.

13. Nip It in the Bud

Meaning: Stop a problem early.

Example: You should nip bad habits in the bud.

14. Shape Up or Ship Out

Meaning: Improve performance or leave.

Example: Employees were told to shape up or ship out.

15. Bring to Heel

Meaning: Bring under control.

Example: The new manager quickly brought the team to heel.

16. Rein In

Meaning: Control or limit.

Example: She needs to rein in her spending habits.

17. Set Your House in Order

Meaning: Organize your affairs.

Example: Before you lecture others, set your house in order.

18. Lay Down the Law

Meaning: Issue authoritative commands.

Example: The coach laid down the law about attendance.

19. Keep in Line

Meaning: Ensure compliance or discipline.

Example: The supervisor kept everyone in line efficiently.

20. Tighten the Screws

Meaning: Increase pressure or strictness.

Example: Management decided to tighten the screws on deadlines.

Idioms That Describe Discipline

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