20 Idioms That Describe Doubt

Doubt is a common human emotion that often influences our decisions and actions. It can be subtle or overwhelming, but it’s always present in some form. Here are 20 idioms that vividly describe various aspects of doubt, helping you express this complex feeling with clarity.

1. On the fence

Meaning: Undecided
Example: She was on the fence about attending the party.

2. Up in the air

Meaning: Uncertain
Example: The plans are still up in the air.

3. Second thoughts

Meaning: Reconsidering
Example: He’s having second thoughts about the job offer.

4. In two minds

Meaning: Indecisive
Example: I’m in two minds about moving to the city.

5. Not sure

Meaning: Uncertain
Example: I’m not sure if I locked the door.

6. Hazy idea

Meaning: Vague understanding
Example: I have a hazy idea about the project’s details.

7. Mixed feelings

Meaning: Conflicted emotions
Example: She had mixed feelings about her promotion.

8. In a quandary

Meaning: Confused
Example: He’s in a quandary over which car to buy.

9. Wavering

Meaning: Hesitating
Example: Her confidence was wavering during the interview.

10. On the horns of a dilemma

Meaning: Facing a difficult choice
Example: He’s on the horns of a dilemma about his career path.

11. Hedge one’s bets

Meaning: Avoid commitment
Example: She’s hedging her bets by applying to multiple universities.

12. Skeptical

Meaning: Doubtful
Example: He’s skeptical about the new policy.

13. Ifs and buts

Meaning: Uncertainties
Example: There are too many ifs and buts in this plan.

14. Up in the air

Meaning: Unresolved
Example: The decision is still up in the air.

15. A shot in the dark

Meaning: Guess
Example: Her answer was just a shot in the dark.

16. Wishy-washy

Meaning: Indecisive
Example: His wishy-washy behavior annoyed everyone.

17. Sitting on the fence

Meaning: Undecided
Example: She’s sitting on the fence about joining the club.

18. In a fog

Meaning: Confused
Example: He was in a fog after the unexpected news.

19. Touch-and-go

Meaning: Uncertain
Example: The outcome of the game is still touch-and-go.

20. In a pickle

Meaning: Difficult situation
Example: She’s in a pickle over her conflicting commitments.

Idioms That Describe Doubt 1


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