20 Idioms That Describe Ego

Having a big ego often means being overly self-confident or self-important. This blog post explores 20 idioms that capture the essence of ego in various ways. Whether positive or negative, these idioms highlight the complexities of dealing with someone’s inflated sense of self.

1. Big-headed

Meaning: Arrogant
Example: He’s too big-headed to apologize.

2. Full of oneself

Meaning: Self-centered
Example: She’s full of herself after the promotion.

3. Head in the clouds

Meaning: Daydreaming
Example: His head’s in the clouds, thinking he’s a genius.

4. High and mighty

Meaning: Acting superior
Example: She acts high and mighty with her new title.

5. Blow one’s own trumpet

Meaning: Self-praise
Example: He’s always blowing his own trumpet about his skills.

6. Ego trip

Meaning: Self-importance journey
Example: The award gave him an ego trip.

7. On a pedestal

Meaning: Admired excessively
Example: They put him on a pedestal, and now he’s insufferable.

8. Think highly of oneself

Meaning: Have high self-regard
Example: He thinks highly of himself and his abilities.

9. All that

Meaning: Overly confident
Example: She acts like she’s all that since the promotion.

10. King of the hill

Meaning: Top position
Example: He behaves like the king of the hill at work.

11. Cock of the walk

Meaning: Domineering
Example: He’s the cock of the walk in every meeting.

12. Put on airs

Meaning: Act superior
Example: She puts on airs around her colleagues.

13. Full of hot air

Meaning: Empty boasting
Example: His ideas are full of hot air, nothing substantial.

14. Peacock

Meaning: Show off
Example: He likes to peacock in front of the crowd.

15. Big cheese

Meaning: Important person
Example: He acts like the big cheese in the office.

16. Legend in one’s own mind

Meaning: Self-importance
Example: He’s a legend in his own mind, always boasting.

17. Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve

Meaning: Openly emotional
Example: She wears her heart on her sleeve, showing her pride.

18. Name-dropper

Meaning: Brags about connections
Example: He’s such a name-dropper, always mentioning famous people.

19. Self-made man/woman

Meaning: Proud of achievements
Example: He considers himself a self-made man, often bragging.

20. Top dog

Meaning: Dominant person
Example: She sees herself as the top dog in the team.

Idioms That Describe Ego

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