20 Idioms That Describe Emotions

Understanding emotions can be challenging, but idioms make it easier to express how we feel. These 20 idioms vividly describe various emotions, helping us communicate more effectively. From joy to anger, these idioms capture the essence of human feelings in a few words. Let’s explore these expressive phrases.

Idioms That Describe Emotions

1. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She’s on cloud nine after the promotion.

2. Feeling Blue

Meaning: Sad or depressed
Example: He’s been feeling blue since the breakup.

3. Green with Envy

Meaning: Very jealous
Example: She was green with envy over their vacation.

4. Over the Moon

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: They’re over the moon about the new baby.

5. In the Dumps

Meaning: Feeling sad
Example: He’s been in the dumps since his dog ran away.

6. Seeing Red

Meaning: Very angry
Example: She was seeing red after hearing the news.

7. Butterflies in the Stomach

Meaning: Nervous excitement
Example: He had butterflies in his stomach before the speech.

8. Walking on Air

Meaning: Very happy
Example: She’s walking on air after her wedding.

9. Down in the Mouth

Meaning: Sad or disappointed
Example: He’s down in the mouth after losing the game.

10. Tickled Pink

Meaning: Very pleased
Example: She was tickled pink by the surprise party.

11. Beside Oneself

Meaning: Extremely upset
Example: He was beside himself with worry.

12. Jumping for Joy

Meaning: Very happy
Example: They were jumping for joy when they won.

13. Head Over Heels

Meaning: Deeply in love
Example: She’s head over heels for him.

14. All Ears

Meaning: Very curious
Example: She was all ears during the announcement.

15. Heart in Your Mouth

Meaning: Very nervous
Example: His heart was in his mouth before the test.

16. In Seventh Heaven

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She’s in seventh heaven with her new job.

17. Cold Feet

Meaning: Nervous
Example: He got cold feet before the wedding.

18. Over the Edge

Meaning: Extremely upset
Example: She was over the edge after the argument.

19. Full of Beans

Meaning: Very energetic
Example: The kids are full of beans today.

20. Bent Out of Shape

Meaning: Very upset
Example: He gets bent out of shape over small issues.

idiom that describe emotions

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