Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is the electric current that powers our ambitions and drives our successes. It’s the vibrant energy behind every achievement and every effort. This blog post explores 20 idioms that perfectly capture the essence of enthusiasm in language, illustrating how this powerful emotion fuels us forward in both words and actions.

Idioms That Describe Enthusiasm

1. Fired up

Meaning: Very excited or passionate.

Example: She’s fired up for the marathon tomorrow.

2. On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy or euphoric.

Example: He was on cloud nine after the proposal.

3. Full steam ahead

Meaning: Proceed energetically or enthusiastically.

Example: It’s full steam ahead with the project now.

4. Champing at the bit

Meaning: Eager to start or proceed.

Example: They were champing at the bit to begin.

5. Gung ho

Meaning: Very enthusiastic or energetic.

Example: She’s gung ho about the new role.

6. Jump for joy

Meaning: Show extreme happiness or elation.

Example: He jumped for joy at the news.

7. With bells on

Meaning: To be excited and eager.

Example: I’ll be there with bells on!

8. Raring to go

Meaning: Very eager and enthusiastic to start.

Example: The team is raring to go for the finals.

9. On the edge of one’s seat

Meaning: Very excited and giving full attention.

Example: We were on the edge of our seats during the thriller.

10. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Meaning: Eager and enthusiastic, especially in the morning.

Example: She’s bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at dawn.

11. Can’t hold still

Meaning: Too excited to remain motionless.

Example: He can’t hold still about the concert.

12. Buzzing with excitement

Meaning: Filled with energetic enthusiasm.

Example: The crowd was buzzing with excitement.

13. Like a kid in a candy store

Meaning: Extremely excited and enthusiastic.

Example: He was like a kid in a candy store at the tech expo.

14. Over the moon

Meaning: Delighted beyond measure.

Example: She was over the moon with her results.

15. Pumped up

Meaning: Excited and ready to engage.

Example: They’re pumped up for the challenge ahead.

16. In seventh heaven

Meaning: In a state of ecstasy or great happiness.

Example: After the win, they were in seventh heaven.

17. Tickled pink

Meaning: Very pleased or entertained.

Example: She was tickled pink by the surprise.

18. Walking on air

Meaning: Feeling elated or very happy.

Example: He’s been walking on air since the engagement.

19. Revved up

Meaning: Excited and energetic.

Example: They got revved up for the playoff game.

20. Electric atmosphere

Meaning: A highly charged and exciting environment.

Example: The launch event had an electric atmosphere.

Idioms That Describe Enthusiasm

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