Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Excitement

Idioms add color and expression to our language, making it more vivid and engaging. In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 idioms that describe excitement. These phrases can help you convey enthusiasm and energy in your conversations and writing. Let’s dive into the world of idiomatic expressions and discover how to express excitement creatively!

Idioms That Describe Excitement

1. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Extremely happy

Example: She’s been on cloud nine since her promotion.

2. Over the Moon

Meaning: Very pleased or happy

Example: He was over the moon about his exam results.

3. Walking on Air

Meaning: Feeling very happy

Example: After the wedding, they were walking on air.

4. Jumping for Joy

Meaning: Extremely happy and excited

Example: She was jumping for joy when she got the job.

5. Tickled Pink

Meaning: Very pleased

Example: He was tickled pink by the birthday surprise.

6. On Top of the World

Meaning: Feeling very happy

Example: Winning the competition put him on top of the world.

7. In Seventh Heaven

Meaning: Extremely happy

Example: They were in seventh heaven after the engagement.

8. Beside Oneself with Joy

Meaning: Overcome with happiness

Example: She was beside herself with joy after the news.

9. Happy as a Clam

Meaning: Very happy

Example: He’s happy as a clam with his new bike.

10. Full of Beans

Meaning: Lively and happy

Example: The kids are full of beans today.

11. Grinning from Ear to Ear

Meaning: Smiling broadly

Example: He was grinning from ear to ear after the proposal.

12. Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Meaning: Very excited and happy

Example: She felt like a kid in a candy store at the fair.

13. Walking on Sunshine

Meaning: Extremely happy

Example: Ever since they started dating, she’s been walking on sunshine.

14. Over the Rainbow

Meaning: Extremely happy

Example: He was over the rainbow with the surprise party.

15. On a High

Meaning: Feeling very happy

Example: She was on a high after the concert.

16. Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed

Meaning: Very excited and full of energy

Example: He’s bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning.

17. Have Stars in Your Eyes

Meaning: To be very excited about something

Example: She has stars in her eyes about her new project.

18. On Fire

Meaning: Extremely enthusiastic and excited

Example: The team was on fire after winning the game.

19. Buzzing

Meaning: Excited and full of energy

Example: The crowd was buzzing after the announcement.

20. High as a Kite

Meaning: Very happy and excited

Example: He was high as a kite after the good news.

Idioms That Describe Excitement

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