20 Idioms That Describe Exclusion

Exclusion is a common theme in language, often depicted through idioms that highlight the act of leaving someone out or isolating them. These idioms provide vivid imagery and emphasize the feeling of being excluded from a group or activity. Here are 20 idioms that describe exclusion, along with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Left Out in the Cold

Meaning: Excluded

Example: She felt left out in the cold when they didn’t invite her.

2. Out in the Cold

Meaning: Excluded

Example: He was left out in the cold after the promotion.

3. Black Sheep

Meaning: Outcast

Example: He was the black sheep of the family.

4. On the Outside Looking In

Meaning: Excluded observer

Example: She felt on the outside looking in during the meeting.

5. Out of the Loop

Meaning: Not informed

Example: I was out of the loop on the latest project updates.

6. Left Holding the Bag

Meaning: Blamed and isolated

Example: He was left holding the bag after the plan failed.

7. Cast Aside

Meaning: Rejected

Example: The new policy cast aside the old employees.

8. Thrown to the Wolves

Meaning: Left unprotected

Example: They threw him to the wolves during the negotiation.

9. Outcast

Meaning: Socially excluded

Example: She felt like an outcast in her new school.

10. Ostracized

Meaning: Excluded from a group

Example: He was ostracized by his peers for his beliefs.

11. Out of Favor

Meaning: Not preferred

Example: She was out of favor with the new management.

12. Out of the Picture

Meaning: Not involved

Example: He’s out of the picture in this project.

13. Sent Packing

Meaning: Dismissed

Example: They were sent packing after the incident.

14. Left High and Dry

Meaning: Abandoned

Example: The team was left high and dry by their leader.

15. Written Off

Meaning: Dismissed as unimportant

Example: He felt written off by his colleagues.

16. Excommunicated

Meaning: Officially excluded

Example: The member was excommunicated for his actions.

17. Cold Shoulder

Meaning: Ignored

Example: She gave him the cold shoulder at the party.

18. Shut Out

Meaning: Prevented from entering

Example: He was shut out from the competition.

19. Frozen Out

Meaning: Excluded from participation

Example: She was frozen out of the decision-making process.

20. Kicked to the Curb

Meaning: Rejected or dismissed

Example: He felt kicked to the curb after the breakup.

Idioms That Describe Exclusion


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