20 Idioms That Describe Expectation

Expectations are a part of everyday life, and idioms can vividly express these anticipations. Here are 20 idioms that capture various nuances of expectation, along with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Waiting in the wings

Meaning: Ready to act.
Example: She’s waiting in the wings for her turn.

2. On pins and needles

Meaning: Nervously awaiting.
Example: We were on pins and needles during the test.

3. On tenterhooks

Meaning: Anxiously awaiting.
Example: I was on tenterhooks waiting for the results.

4. Hold your breath

Meaning: Expect anxiously.
Example: We held our breath for the announcement.

5. Wish upon a star

Meaning: Hope for something.
Example: She wished upon a star for good luck.

6. In the pipeline

Meaning: In progress.
Example: The new project is in the pipeline.

7. To bank on

Meaning: Depend on.
Example: You can bank on him for help.

8. Cross your fingers

Meaning: Hope for luck.
Example: We crossed our fingers for good weather.

9. Dream come true

Meaning: Realize a dream.
Example: Winning the lottery was a dream come true.

10. Eyes on the prize

Meaning: Focus on goal.
Example: Keep your eyes on the prize and work hard.

11. Keep your chin up

Meaning: Stay optimistic.
Example: Keep your chin up; things will get better.

12. Hope against hope

Meaning: Hope despite odds.
Example: She hoped against hope for his return.

13. Keep fingers crossed

Meaning: Hope for success.
Example: We kept our fingers crossed for a win.

14. To hold out hope

Meaning: Maintain hope.
Example: They still hold out hope for a miracle.

15. Pins and needles

Meaning: Anxious anticipation.
Example: We’re on pins and needles about the results.

16. To wait and see

Meaning: Be patient.
Example: We’ll wait and see what happens next.

17. To bet on

Meaning: Rely on.
Example: You can bet on her to succeed.

18. Shooting for the stars

Meaning: Aim high.
Example: He’s shooting for the stars with his career.

19. To hedge bets

Meaning: Protect oneself.
Example: She’s hedging her bets on multiple investments.

20. Leap of faith

Meaning: Trust without proof.
Example: Starting a business is a leap of faith.

Idioms That Describe Expectation

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