20 Idioms That Describe Fantasy

Fantasies whisk us away to worlds beyond our imagination, where the boundaries of reality blur. This blog post explores 20 idioms that capture the essence of fantasy, each offering a glimpse into the creative and often whimsical elements of our daydreams. These expressions add color to our language, illustrating the allure and transformative power of fantasy.

1. Castle in the air

Meaning: Unrealistic dream

Example: She builds castles in the air of living in Hollywood.

2. Pie in the sky

Meaning: Improbable promise

Example: His plans of instant wealth are just pie in the sky.

3. Chasing rainbows

Meaning: Pursuing unattainable goals

Example: He’s just chasing rainbows trying to invent a perpetual motion machine.

4. Once in a blue moon

Meaning: Very rarely

Example: She only visits once in a blue moon.

5. A flight of fancy

Meaning: A whimsical idea

Example: His latest invention began as a flight of fancy.

6. Building castles in the sky

Meaning: Dreaming unrealistic dreams

Example: They spent the afternoon building castles in the sky about their future business.

7. Fairy tale ending

Meaning: Perfectly happy conclusion

Example: They dreamed of a fairy tale ending to their struggles.

8. Over the moon

Meaning: Extremely pleased

Example: She was over the moon about her fantasy novel’s success.

9. In a land far, far away

Meaning: In an imagined distant place

Example: He imagined a story set in a land far, far away.

10. Through the looking glass

Meaning: Entering a bizarre, surreal world

Example: Her dream felt like stepping through the looking glass.

11. Make-believe

Meaning: Pretend, imaginary

Example: The kids indulged in a game of make-believe.

12. Spinning yarns

Meaning: Telling fanciful stories

Example: He’s great at spinning yarns about mythical creatures.

13. Out of this world

Meaning: Extraordinary, fantastical

Example: The sci-fi movie was out of this world.

14. Living in a fantasy world

Meaning: Being detached from reality

Example: She’s living in a fantasy world, waiting for a prince.

15. Head in the clouds

Meaning: Unaware of reality

Example: With his head in the clouds, he hardly notices what’s around him.

16. Illusions of grandeur

Meaning: Delusions about one’s importance

Example: He suffers from illusions of grandeur, seeing himself as a savior.

17. The magic touch

Meaning: Ability to succeed easily

Example: Everything she touches seems to work; she has the magic touch.

18. A wild goose chase

Meaning: A futile search or pursuit

Example: Finding the lost city was a wild goose chase.

19. Witching hour

Meaning: A mysterious, quiet hour

Example: Secrets are told at the witching hour.

20. A knight in shining armor

Meaning: A rescuer or savior

Example: She waited for a knight in shining armor to appear.

Idioms That Describe Fantasy

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