20 Idioms That Describe Influence

Influence shapes our decisions, beliefs, and interactions. This blog post explores twenty idioms that encapsulate various aspects of influence, providing a glimpse into how language reflects power dynamics and persuasive forces in everyday communication.

1. Call the shots

Meaning: Make decisions

Example: She calls the shots in their team.

2. Pull strings

Meaning: Use influence secretly

Example: He pulled strings to get that job.

3. Twist someone’s arm

Meaning: Persuade forcefully

Example: He twisted my arm to agree.

4. Have the upper hand

Meaning: Have an advantage

Example: She always has the upper hand.

5. Rule the roost

Meaning: Control a group

Example: He rules the roost at home.

6. Move mountains

Meaning: Achieve the impossible

Example: Her speech can move mountains.

7. Make waves

Meaning: Cause significant impact

Example: That announcement made waves.

8. Carry weight

Meaning: Have influence

Example: His opinion carries weight here.

9. Throw one’s weight around

Meaning: Use influence arrogantly

Example: She throws her weight around.

10. Hold sway

Meaning: Have great influence

Example: He holds sway over the council.

11. Pull rank

Meaning: Use one’s superior position

Example: She pulled rank to decide.

12. The power behind the throne

Meaning: Influential without formal role

Example: He’s the power behind the throne.

13. Have someone’s ear

Meaning: Be listened to

Example: She has the manager’s ear.

14. Wear the pants

Meaning: Be the decision maker

Example: In their house, she wears the pants.

15. Play puppet master

Meaning: Control others indirectly

Example: He plays puppet master at work.

16. Set the tone

Meaning: Establish a standard

Example: The leader sets the tone.

17. Have clout

Meaning: Have influence or power

Example: She has clout in the industry.

18. Grease the wheels

Meaning: Make things run smoothly

Example: He greased the wheels for us.

19. Bend the ear

Meaning: Persuade through talk

Example: He can bend any ear.

20. Call the tune

Meaning: Dictate terms

Example: They fund it, they call the tune.

Idioms That Describe Influence

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